Our services

We focus in 4 unique service themes below to help nurture Christian leaders and missionaries. We provide large group teaching sessions in Living Free and Biblical Finances.

Living Set Free

This service is a transformative journey rooted in the Christian faith, encompassing three key principles: understanding our authority in Christ, hearing God's voice, and engaging in freedom prayer. We help churches in experiencing the abundant life that Christ promises, walking in freedom, joy, and purpose.

Soul Care for Leaders and Missionaries

We recognize this need for leaders and missionaries is essential for their well-being and effectiveness. Through intentional steps through prayer, coming alongside, and self-care, to prevent burnout, and deepen their relationship with God. This empowers them to serve others and fulfill their calling with resilience and authenticity.

Biblical Financial Coaching

We combine sound financial principles with biblical wisdom to guide individuals in managing their finances. It helps people align their financial decisions with biblical values, such as stewardship, generosity, and contentment. Through coaching, individuals gain practical tools and biblical insights to achieve financial freedom and honor God with their resources. Click here to claim your free ebook.

Leadership Consultancy

We offer consultancy and leadership coaching services for churches and Christian organizations. Our services focus on fostering team effectiveness, strategic planning, and organizational growth. We empower leaders to enhance their impact and achieve their mission with excellence.