1. Who Are We?
Crossing Lines International Missions (CLiM) Vision Statement
Re-introducing missions to churches, by focusing on servant hood and discipleship in a cross-cultural mission.
When Jesus sent His disciples out to their "first mission trip", their lives were transformed and changed through what they saw and experience during their "trip". God will use you if you obey Him, to heal, raise the dead, drive out demons, change lives through His name. As a result, your life will never be the same again. (Matthew 10)
CLiM was formed from a calling to bridge the nations. This will be done through mobilizing people everywhere by taking them out of their comfort zone and immerse them in a culture and a country that is not their own. Our conviction is that by doing this we will not rely on our strength, skills or experience but will have to completely rely on God. With this obedience, we will begin to see God work through our lives and the lives of others in building and growing one another through missions.
CLiM's beliefs
We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all, and governs all.
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, fully inspired, and entirely trustworthy in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe in God the Father, an infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in human affairs; that He hears and answers prayers; and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit.
We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings, His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people and His personal and visible return to earth.
We believe that in His first coming Jesus Christ inaugurated the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower for ministry all who believe in Christ.
We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher and Guide. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and the exercise of all the Biblical gifts of the Spirit.
We believe that all people are created in the image of God, which secures and establishes their value, yet are also sinners by nature and choice and are therefore under condemnation, and that God regenerates by the Holy Spirit those who repent of their sins and confess Jesus Christ as Lord.
We believe in the universal Church, the living spiritual body, of which Christ is the Head and all regenerated persons are members.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ committed two Ordinances to the Church: Baptism and Communion.
We believe in the laying on of hands and the communion of the Holy Spirit, for: the ordination and setting apart of pastors, elders and deacons; for imparting and receiving gifts of the Spirit and healing; and for confirmation and blessing.
We believe in the personal, visible return of Christ to earth and the establishment of His Kingdom; in the resurrection of the body and the final judgment of both the living and the dead.
2. Why Do We Do Trips?
“Fulfilling the Great Commission Through Servant Hood”
CLiM Core Values
God is at work in the world redeeming back to Himself people from among every people group (ethne) for His glory. (John 3:16)
We are to be ambassadors of the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. (Matthew 28:18-20; 24:13,14)
We have a responsibility to those in need, who live in poverty (both physical and spiritual), as we seek to share the love of Christ in practical ways. (James 2)
Through relationally connected teams we see the impact of our approach to reaching the world for Christ. (John 13:35; Acts 2:46,47)
Through long-term relationships we seek to create community in the global body of Christ. (John 13:35)
In order for CLiM to accomplish the goal of ‘taking each participant to the next level in their spiritual journey with Jesus Christ’. We realize how vital Crossing Lines International Missions is to mobilize the community to “share” their faith through short-term mission trips, by equipping all ages for a life-changing experience.
Three of the most important decisions we make as a missions ministry include:
choosing our trips and destinations
selecting our ministry partners
enabling people like you to experience God is a whole new way.
You are reading this manual, know that this is not a coincidence and it is all ordain by God to bringing you closer to Him through this experience. Therefore, as you read the following pages we ask you to prayerfully seek God’s will to show you how to best fulfill your calling in Crossing Lines International Missions. We are excited to see you as a vital part of our ministry. Our prayer for you is this: as you lead our teams, God will build your character and take you to the next level in your spiritual journey with Him!
In His Service,
Missions Director
Crossing Lines International Missions
3. How is Crossing Lines International Missions Organized?
CLiM functions as a conduit to international missions. Ministries around the world will contact CLiM to request for a mission group. CLiM will work with these ministries to set up logistics of the mission trip. On the other side of the spectrum, these mission trips are then advertised to churches, and groups that might be interest to partner with CLiM in fulfilling the vision of our partner these ministries worldwide.
CLiM Trip Planner
Each trip is assign a trip planner that will work with a group leader to ensure that all necessary communication, including registration, money deposit due date, final payment due date, travel release forms and all information pertaining the trip is conveyed clearly. CLiM trip planner is responsible for timely distribution of information and is constantly checking with our worldwide partner ministries to make sure that all preparation and budgets are followed through. CLiM planners are to also are also to provide support to the group leaders in any decision making that is needed.
CLiM Trip Leader
Each trip trip will be assign a trip leader that will be the schedule manager and liaison for the group leader. All decision that directly influence the itinerary, budget, security of team and group leader disputes, will go through the trip leader. This trip leader is to make sure the effectiveness and smoothness of the trip in accordance to the mission objective.
Group Leader
A church group will need at least one group leader representative. This group leader will be responsible of the group's preparation, leadership, and maintaining the relationship of the team members. He/She acts as liaison for individual team members to plan out and communicate the details of each trip with CLiM trip planner.
As a Group Leader, he/she will be in leadership alongside the CLiM Trip Leader in any decision making pertaining the trip. This person is responsible to facilitate, debrief meetings for his/her team during the mission trip; as well as caring for any individuals who may be in need of special care upon returning from a trip.
Team Members
Each team leader member is responsible for:
Assisting team members in processing their mission's experience.
Challenging team members whose lives have been dramatically changed into leadership roles within Crossing Lines International Missions.
Caring for team members who are having difficulty adjusting to life upon their return.
Carry through role assignments distributed by group leader.
Preparing their hearts and participating in all group activities.
4. What is it to be a Group Leader?
The Mission of A Leader
As a team leader, you have a critical mission ahead of you. You have been placed with the responsibility to lead, serve and shepherd a team. As with any leadership role, we implore you to:
Follow the example Christ has given us…Lead by serving
And when you do, serve all to the glory of God.
Leadership is an elusive quality, an asset with great potential for stimulating people, teams, creativity and organizations. Truly outstanding leaders have distinct leadership abilities in many areas of life – more than in particular, specialized areas. Great leaders are generally honest, competent, dynamic, confident people who somehow “see” the future and inspire others to join them in the adventure.
"Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God - 1 Corinthians 10:31"
We make no aspirations to provide you with great insight on leadership in this manual. We only wish to emphasize those areas that are important to us and to a successful mission trip through CLiM. As we’ve stated before, this is probably going to be the most difficult leadership position you will ever experience.
In leading a short-term mission trip, there are really three simple ideas we ask you to review and consider in preparing for your team, your trip, and your co-leader.
First, know your GOD.
Second, know your RESPONSIBILITY.
Third, know your TEAM.
Anything you read in this manual is not exhaustive in itself. There are obviously other leadership principles that apply to your role and we would encourage you to be mindful of as you lead this team.
Leadership, for the most part this brings incredible value to the way in which believers grow in their relationship with the Lord. Much of what is learned is caught not taught. Many are looking at leaders as role models and the way in which leaders live out their faith has a bearing on how others understand their own freedoms and responsibilities in Christ. It takes time for believers to read through God’s Word and begin to digest it for themselves. While they are in this growing relationship they are watching leaders, assuming them to be more mature in their walk. This is our expectation as well. Mature leaders need to be sensitive in the “Gray areas” of our Christian liberty. “Gray areas” are so called because they are neither “black nor white” in scripture. The Holy Spirit can individually lead one believer to not partake in something that others are free to do or visa-versa. Please read Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 10 to learn more about this. Crossing Lines International Missions gives its leaders the ownership of this delicate relationship and trusts that they will exercise mature conduct in how they represent Christ to their team. The following list includes five reminders of the responsibilities of spiritual leadership. This is followed by a brief “Code of Conduct” that shares specific areas in which leaders need to be cautious.
Our goal is not to restrict you but to give you ownership of your own ability to influence your team for Christ.
You represent Christ.
“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity”
1 Timothy 4:12
You are in a position of spiritual authority.
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”
2 Timothy 2:2
“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Hebrews 13:17
You must steward your gift of leadership. Leadership is a gift. Romans 12:8
We are to use our gifts to serve others. 1 Pet. 4:10
We will be held accountable for how we use our gifts. Matt. 25
You will influence people.
“Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.” Philippians 3:17
“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thess. 5:22 (KJV)
“Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices.” 1 Peter 2:11
You are being watched.
“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:1
Code of Conduct
Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.
Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.
A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. 1Timothy 3
In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
Titus 2: 7, 8
Points of Conduct:
Sexual Purity
in relationships CLiM will not support people in leadership who live in co-ed households (unless they are family members). A relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend is expected to be kept physically pure of the mind.
Keep your eyes, ears and heart free of things that would cause you to have impure thoughts (i.e. websites tv shows, magazines, etc.). Men/Women – be cautious of how you dress. You need to be responsible and realize that revealing clothing can be a deterrent to many of your peers and cause them to stumble.
Personal Integrity
in relationships inside and outside of church.
in character and personality
Is your yes your yes, and your no your no
Financial Integrity
Financial wisdom
Wise stewardship of what God has blessed you with
Wisdom in the use of Substances
Alcohol, Tobacco in and out of church.
Abuse of any substance will not be tolerated.
Consuming alcohol or smoking in public or in social settings is strictly not allowed.
Wisdom in activities that might bring question to one’s testimony
Choose your social activities wisely – nightclubs, concerts, sporting events, etc. If you’re involved in leadership, you are always being observed by those around you (even when you least expect it).
Some verses for reference:
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Ephesians 5:3
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions. Galatians 5:19
I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. Romans 6:19
Leadership, Defined…
Leadership is influence…John Maxwell
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power… Abraham Lincoln
And do not be called to be leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant…Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:10-11, NRSV)
The leader is one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leader and followers…Garry Wills
Asking ‘who ought to be the boss’ is like asking ‘who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?’ Obviously, the man who can sing tenor…Henry Ford
A leader is a person with a magnet in his heart and a compass in his head…Robert Townsend
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality…Warren Bennis
Leaders take charge, make things happen, dream dreams and then translate them into reality. They attract the voluntary commitment of followers, energize them, and transform organizations into new entities with greater potential for survival, growth, and excellence…Burt Nanus
The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority…Kenneth Blanchard
The person who thinks he’s leading, but nobody is following, is really just taking a walk…Unknown
You will have achieved excellence as a leader when people will follow you everywhere if only out of curiosity…Colin Powell
A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do…Leroy Eims
If you see a disparity between who’s leading the meeting and who’s leading the people, then the person running the meeting is not the real leader…John C. Maxwell
5. What is Discipleship?
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
What is Discipleship?
Generally speaking, a disciple is a follower of a particular individual or school of thought. As applied to believers, a disciple is a follower of Christ. Being a follower of Christ is more than being a Christian, though. A Christian is someone who has accepted Christ at some point during their life, but that term doesn’t give any indication as to whether that person’s relationship with the Lord is actively growing or whether it’s stagnated. Being a disciple, or follower, of Christ goes a step beyond the “Christian” label to denote someone who is actively pursuing their relationship with Jesus and growing in their spiritual maturity as they seek to become more like him.
If a disciple can be defined as a follower of Christ, then discipleship is simply the process of intentionally encouraging and equipping a believer to become a better follower of Christ. A popular misconception about discipleship is that it’s applicable only to new Christians. Obviously, it’s very important for new believers to be taught the fundamentals of the Christian walk (prayer, studying the Bible, sharing your faith, etc.) and that they be nurtured as they begin their relationship with Christ. However, discipleship is equally important to believers who have been walking with the Lord for a few or even several years. All believers are works in progress, and no matter where each of us is at in our walk we should have an ongoing desire to grow in our relationship with Christ and would benefit from someone helping us go to that next level in our walk and become more like Him.
The model in Scripture is discipleship-based preaching, teaching and evangelism. Jesus never evangelized alone. His ministry began in John 1 before any public ministry began. This is where 5 men began to follow Jesus. He was always with His disciples, or as in John 4, while evangelizing with the woman, He was intimately involved with the 5 in travel from Jerusalem to Sychar (30 miles) and onward to Cana (43 miles).
Wherever He went, so did the disciples. The disciples saw first-hand evangelism, teaching and preaching modeled for them. It was part of their training curriculum.
Some important principles about discipleship:
Jesus is the perfect model of a discipler. He showed us how to disciple in choosing twelve men to pour into—sharing life with them, teaching them how to follow him, pointing them to the Father, serving them, loving them, etc.
The discipler’s role is to help facilitate spiritual growth. This involves teaching, modeling Christ through both words and actions, caring, exhorting, encouraging, etc. In all circumstances, it’s important that the focus be kept on Christ and not on the discipler themself.
Discipleship involves building relationships and building trust. Discipleship can occur in the context of both one-on-one relationships and in group settings.
Discipleship must be a mutual relationship that promotes Christ-likeness through an intentional agenda; with the discipler proactively pouring into the disciple and similarly the disciple actively seeking to grow with the help the discipler is providing.
To draw men and women to the Father and enable growth in Christ, discipleship must be rooted in prayer and the word of God.
Why Do We Do It?
There are several reasons why discipleship should be seen as a high priority for believers, including: Jesus commanded it when he gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
Many people mistakenly think the Great Commission pertains only to evangelism. In thinking that, though, they minimize the importance of what’s supposed to occur after people become believers. Obviously, sharing the gospel with those who don’t know Christ is of vital importance. But in giving this command, Jesus wasn’t simply interested in converting folks to Christianity. His intent was that the gospel be spread, but also that people who accept the gospel be taught how to be follow him.
As believers, our ultimate goal and purpose is to glorify God. He is glorified as we continue growing closer to Him and become more conformed to the likeness of Christ (Romans 8:28-30). Discipleship helps bring this about. Spiritually investing in others ensures the continuity and growth of the work begun by others, so that God’s Kingdom can be advanced. As we pour into others and help them grow spiritually, they will be better able to experience the joyful and abundant life that the Father desires each of us to have and is the result of a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
How Does Discipleship Fit into the Crossing Lines International Missions Ministry?
With the short-term trips that CLiM does is 3 fold. There is both a short-term focus, a long-term focus and continue discipleship to new believers.
The short-term focus is the trip itself. For the leaders, it involves selecting the team, preparing for the team meetings and retreat, handling the trip logistics, etc. For the coaches, it involves being a caregiver to the leaders, sharing advice based on past experience, answering questions, etc.
The long-term focus is the spiritual growth of those who go on the trips—the team members as well as the leaders.
CLiM's vision to have leaders and trip participants look beyond the short-term focus of the trip itself and be intentional about incorporating discipleship into the entire trip process (before, during, and after). It doesn’t necessarily mean a greater time investment, but it may require a mindset change (becoming more people-focused than trip-focused) and in all cases it will require intentionality on the part of coaches and leaders in seeking ways to help those the Lord has placed under their care to grow in their relationship with Christ.
CLiM's vision is that through partnering with existing ministries, short term mission groups will open doors to new relationships and to share God's love to new believers. As a result, the local ministry will ensure a continuance of discipleship and growth of these believers.
That is why CLiM's mission is to change lives, be it the group that goes on mission or the people receiving the group, through a mission trip that allows God to lead the group through His Holy Spirit. Such experiences will only further mature oneself through spiritual stretching and growth by experience.
How Do you Disciple?
Before we provide some examples of what discipleship can look like on short-term teams, here is what discipleship is NOT:
The gifts of preaching, teaching, or evangelism…
…although these may be your gifts, it does not eliminate you from the command of discipleship. Discipleship is not dictated by gifts or talents, it is a command for all believers to obey. Remember that in the example we have of Christ, we saw him travel extensive distances with the disciples, he attended family functions like weddings, he sailed with them and he ate with them.
Here are some practical ideas of how you can be a model of discipleship with your teammates. Remember, it’s not how much you do – but the intentionality of what you do.
share meals together
have communion as a team
meet for coffee 1-1
pray for that person
study the Bible about applicable topics
invite them to family/social events
email them regularly with encouragement and challenges
make phone calls
be available for them when they need you
7. Co-Leader Relationships
We have an ever increasing need to define who we are, where we are going, and why we do missions the way we do. With such emotional and spiritual intensity that a person goes through during a mission trip, it is only wise to have a co-leader the leadership role in each group. Here are a few reasons why a co-leader model exists:
So that there is accountability in decision-making requiring both to be in agreement to move forward on decisions for the team.
Both genders in leadership is needed to represent any gender specific needed and issue that might arise during the trip. There is a need to have both genders represented in leadership, in order to correctly fulfill any gender specific issue or need that will arise during the trip.
Discipleship/mentorship from the leader should occur only in same gender relationships.
If we send a gender specific team to any part of the world, it prohibits the team from ministering to the opposite sex in-country. This would be extremely difficult in areas where the men are considered more superior than the women and in order to reach a family. Nevertheless, our in-country staff will step in to bridge the gender role when necessary. CLiM believes that these All-Women teams are unique and powerful to ministering and impacting women and families around the world.
This model also allows mixed gender teams to choose any type of trip project – i.e. work project, evangelism/outreach, medical. An all female team would be limited in the type of work projects they could do as well as the evangelism trips as mentioned above.
Having given these reasons, there are also some issues to this approach that you should be aware of.
Consider this question for a moment:
Would you lead/behave any differently if your co-leader was married?
Almost immediately you can think of many boundaries that would naturally occur if your co-leader was married. Sensitivity to this is a good thing and should cause us to look at the bigger picture of overall male/female relationships in the body of Christ. Why shouldn’t the same boundaries occur regardless of whether or not they are married? This scenario lets us observe the most sensitive type of co-leader relationships that have immediate boundaries in place apparent to all leaders. By exploring one where the boundaries are clear we can build a premise for all co-leader relationships. This will help prevent co-leaders from many of the challenges associated with the unique, intimate relationship between co-leaders of the opposite sex.
This is not implying our lack of trust in any of you as current or future leaders – this is implying the seriousness of our vulnerability at the heart/emotion level when it comes to two people, man and woman, strong in their walk, passionate about the same ministry, and spending lots of time together for the sake of an incredible opportunity to see God work in the lives of their team. This can create some unique challenges once the trip is over. To note, more than twice we have heard a leader say – “Wow, I feel like we both went through a divorce when we returned”. Obviously this is the extreme and there was humor in the comments - but they clearly recognized the powerful tug on their emotions as a result of working so hard together for the team. As we have shared in the past, the issue is not about married vs. single leaders, but rather about the dynamics of male/female co-leadership and how to establish safeguards across the board. The best picture would be the one with the most careful structure – not restrictive – but cautious/careful.
I do not see a distinction between married and unmarried leaders. Both must be cautious and careful to treat one another as children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ. Commitment to healthy boundaries and open communication about those boundaries is essential to being the best pair of co-leaders for your team. Please remember that this is not about your own personal relationships outside of CLiM, even though, of course, they too must be honoring to God.
(If there were a hint of doubt that we were not obedient to God’s will for our structure of leadership then we would eradicate it; however, because we have seen God’s blessing in this ministry, even with greater risk), consider deleting what is in parenthesis as it really isn't that relevant and is more personal to the ministry that wrote this we must continue to improve upon our structure to promote healthier co-leader relationships that honor God at all levels.
These thoughts were not because of any isolated circumstances but rather the result of a continued trend that has raised awareness in many leaders who have a desire to see it addressed.
Building a healthy relationship with your co-leader
The following are guidelines to equip you in having a healthier relationship with your co-leader:
Honor each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Be aware of how you communicate with one another, especially in front of others.
If your co-leader is dating someone, invite the significant other to a coaches meeting and discuss your expectations, what information should be shared between the two of you (as leaders), what’s too personal to talk about, etc. Establish trust with any significant others by spending time together with the team – socials, fundraisers, meetings.
Prayer – keep your prayers trip specific, it’s not a time to share personal requests. Decide whether you will do it in person – perhaps keeping it over the phone, on an individual basis, or just in team settings is the most emotionally safest way. Avoid multiple 1-1 prayer times as it creates a large amount of spiritual intimacy.
This is a good opportunity to rely on your coach (same gender) for purposes of praying for personal issues.
Physical touch – before you consider being physically affectionate with your co-leader, ask yourself: ‘Can you do it in the context of the entire team?’ (ie. if you plan on hugging them, would you feel comfortable hugging every member?)
Be very conscience of any physical affection you show your co-leader or other team members. Consider how the nationals will view you in-country. Are you behaving as honoring your co-leader so it’s not misleading to nationals about the status of your relationship?
Verbal intimacy – draw boundaries of what to or what not to talk about with each other. There is no need to share about your future goals, hopes, dreams, passions, etc. You should not draw on your co-leader for emotional support for family, life, or work issues. If you find that you do need someone, we recommend talking to someone of the same gender. Both genders should be sensitive about what they are sharing and how much they share about themselves (especially in 1-1 settings).
Curfew times – discuss expectations, what times would work best for meetings face to face – maybe do them on the phone or via email instead. If nothing good happens after midnight for dating couples – apply a similar rule for co-leaders. Beyond extenuating circumstances, there should not be a reason you meet late into the night.
Meeting places – agree upon a location where both of you will feel comfortable meeting consistently. We recommend choosing public locations (i.e. church cafeteria) whenever possible vs. a restaurant, person’s home, etc. If you are leading with a single person, decide whether you both feel comfortable meeting in your co-leader’s home (especially if they live alone or roommates are not present). Or handle as many details over the phone or email if a face to face is too intimate. You, as leaders, need to decide what you are most comfortable with.
Co-leaders should view their leadership position as a working relationship NOT a marriage.
8. How to Resolve Conflict
Leader Communication
You are co-leading a team.
You have an opportunity and an obligation to model working as a team with your co-leader.
What does that mean?
CLiM's intention is for each team to be equally led by two co- leaders (typically one male and one female). The goal in this co-leadership structure is to allow for team members to share and voice concerns and personal matters with a leader of the same gender. This also allows the leaders to address spiritual and gender sensitive matters to a team member of the same gender should that need arise. (i.e. spiritual guidance and counseling throughout the experience.)
Another great benefit of having two leaders is the 50/50 split on decision-making. Co-leaders are to always seek agreement with each other. If you disagree, work as a mini-team through prayer and discussion to come to a joint decision.
IMPORTANT: Please read the following carefully:
In the unlikely event that a stalemate is reached between two co-leaders involving an emergency matter during the trip, the CLiM's leader will serve as the final decision maker both for the interest of the trip and the group. CLiM tends to let group leaders to make decisions pertaining to group dynamics. CLiM leaders will work with group leaders to accomplish the overall objective of the trip.
Leading Together
How often should we meet? Support and encourage one another
Leadership is extremely important to the tone of your team. If the leader is first to complain – the team will follow. You are expected to hold your co-leader accountable to his/her behaviors and to be the first in confronting issues. Remember that your team views you as a team of leaders and you will be observed!
Conflict Resolution During the Trip Before or After the Trip
If there is a conflict prior to going on the trip or after returning, please take advantage of the opportunity to include your coach to help resolve the issue (if you cannot resolve it 1-1).
Remember this is part of their role and you are encouraged to seek their advice before involving any other third party. You are both spiritual leaders and much of the spiritual depth of the trip and entire experience is determined by your leadership. Please take this challenge seriously. Seek God’s guidance throughout the preparation and trip and be obedient to Him. You have been chosen to lead because you have shown yourselves mature and responsible in other areas related to leadership. God can use you in mighty ways in the lives of your team members if you allow him to lead you first. Always remain submissive to Him and lead your team with a servant’s heart!
On the Field Meeting together - Should there be a scheduled time for you to meet? Every day, every other day? With every trip being different, it is up to the co-leaders to decide together what will work best for them. Dealing with team members
Group Leader to CLiM Leader roles
CLiM leader's will be in touch with the leaders to communicate the overall objectives and goals of the mission trip. The CLiM leader will also provide all necessary paperwork for the team as well as communicating crucial due dates. There are 2 crucial roles played between the CLiM leader and the Group leader.
The CLiM leader will lead the overall mission trip and the success of meeting the trips objectives and goals. The group leader is to lead the group, through learning moments, discipleship, de-briefing and a constant check on the group's spiritual temperature during the trip. The CLiM leader does not directly lead the group but may be call rely upon for an outside decision. By no means, will the the CLiM leader trumps groups leaders in any decision making, but will be there to provide a clear path towards the trips objective and allow the group leader to lead the group within the guidelines of the objective.
Both leaders will set up leaders briefing sessions during the week to address any concerns or re-aligning trip directions.
The CLiM leader is your "go to person" to for any mission communication with the in-field staff.
Co-Leader Conflicts
This section discusses several situations that may arise between you and your co-leader. Listed below are some healthy ways of responding to these situations if the need arises. Remember: The notes written below are not hard-fast rules to follow, but rather, suggestions in the chance that something like this occurs. If you ever have questions about how to handle various situations, please do not hesitate to contact your co-leader to talk about it and/or contact your CLiM leader for assistance.
How to handle decision making when the leaders are unavoidably separated.
First ask yourself, can the decision wait until the leaders are reunited?
Err on the side of conservatism when having to make decisions.
Communicate to the team that you need to make a decision – but ask for input.
If teams are split, mirror the model of a team with those who are with you – so the two groups act as 2 teams until they are back together.
Practical ways to facilitate spiritual and leadership growth with your co-leader.
Pinpoint the issues, don’t the judge the other person.
Listen to your co-leader about their needs. Encourage them in areas of growth.
Pray to lay the foundation for openness. You can communicate directly with each other and not involve CLiM leader unless it is necessary.
Assess the spiritual temperature – is it a belief or a perception?
Share all things in love – be vulnerable.
Be proactive in your encouragement and interactions.
How to properly end the co-leader relationship once the trip and discipling commitments have been completed.
Communication, communication, communication – do you see the theme?
In one of your first meetings, talk about your expectations of the other, expectations of the trip experience, etc. Share your thoughts about having closure at the end of the trip and what that may look like.
Make healthy boundaries in your co-leading relationship.
How to deal with a co-leader who's unwilling to compromise (i.e. who always insists on doing things his/her way).
Figure out what are just differences of opinion or unwilling compromises?
Talk to each other – have open communication.
Before confronting – do a self-evaluation first. Are you the one who really has the problem?
If there is resistance after confronting – we suggest you go to your coach and talk about the situation.
Pick your battles.
Pray and wait before you make decisions to see if God changes the other’s heart.
How to deal with a co-leader who's not carrying their share of the workload, or who consistently fails to do the things they say they'll do.
List expectations in the beginning. Who will handle what tasks?
Figure out weaknesses, strengths –
First time it happens, confront and communicate to one another.
Use a mode of accountability – encourage the other.
Be aware and sensitive to the life events of the other that may be affecting their job as a co-leader.
If there is resistance, contact your coach.
Remain unified in front of your team – never argue in front of them.
Things that you should never say to your co-leader.
Never say things to undermine their leadership.
Never say something that leads them to believe you doubt their skills or heart to serve.
Never say something to them that would lead them to believe leading with them was a mistake.
9. Preparing your team
This is where the fun begins. By now, you should already have a team or at least in the process of putting a team together. This is when the mission trip begins. Each team member will embark in a new and exciting time of getting to know one another and discovering what God has in store for the group. It is crucial to have your first meeting (and every other meeting) is away from all distractions and commitments. This way your team members can fully engaged in understanding the initial details of the mission trip.
A suggestion to your first meeting is to conduct The ‘Get-to-Know-You’ Team Dinner. We strongly encourage you to have your team to get together soon after it is form. One thing that has worked well in the past is having the new team go out for lunch/dinner after a Sunday church service. It is a good idea to have some “ice breaker” questions to help the team get to know one another. It is nice to pick a restaurant that serves the food of the host country where your team will be going. Each person is responsible for the cost of their meal. Typically this is conducted 5 months prior to the mission trip.
At the end of the first meeting, there are 3 crucial items that must be communicated.
Registration form
Travel release form
$200 non-refundable deposits
Copy of passport or passport application form. (if applicable)
Communicate that all these items must be collected by the 1st meeting. (typically 2 weeks from now)
Make prints of the trip registration form, provided by the CLiM leader to each of your team members. It is crucial that every member of the team must submit a CLiM registration form back to you by the 1st group meeting. The registration form is also posted online at
A signed (notarized, if applicant is a minor) travel release form to be completed and submitted to the group leader by the 1st meeting.
A non-refundable deposit of $200 per person cheque (made to: Crossing Lines Int'l Mission) to be submitted on the 1st meeting along with the registration form. This is to ensure meeting all airline regulations to reserve the seat to the mission destination.
Finally a copy of the information page of the passport must be submitted. For those, who do not have a passport and is applying for one, please make a copy of the passport application form that the individual filled out, and submitted during the 1st meeting
All of these items are to be mailed to:
Church Mission Department
The CLiM leader will work with you on determining when the datelines are for these items and final payment of the mission trip.
10. How To Select Your Team
Team Size and Gender Ratio
No less than a group of 12 (10 members + 2 leaders) to ensure sufficient impact to the work during a mission trip. Maximum size of 20 (depending on country's capability). However, if the group exceeds 20, CLiM will open a second trip and split the group into 2 groups. CLiM encourages a balance ratio of women and men. Special exceptions if the mission only calls for one gender (i.e. All-women mission trip), then the gender ratio is null.
Minimum age and Chaperons
A minimum age of 15 year old at the date of the mission trip is to be observed. There are places during the mission trip that will require a certain maturity of the participant. 5 teenagers to 1 adult ratio must be observed. Each 5 teenagers are under the supervision of an appointed adult chaperon. Each chaperon is to submit to the leadership of the group leader. It is not advisable that the group leader acts as a chaperon.
EXPECTATIONS OF TEAM MEMBERS: (these are all suggestions)
Proper motivation for going on trips
Time commitment (mandatory attendance to all meetings ) – typically 4 team meetings and 1 weekend retreat prior to trip, 1 team meeting post-trip
Fundraising – each individual is responsible for raising their own support. However, this should not be a source of stress for applicants. If applicant is faithful to do their part (writing and sending out support letters in a timely manner, obediently seeking and following the Lord’s will in who to send support letters to, actively participating in the team fundraisers, and humbly submitting the entire process to the Lord in prayer. GOD WILL PROVIDE! It is an act of faith to trust that He will. Raising support also allows others to be involved in your trip.
11. How To Handle Team Finances
Managing finances during a mission trip as a team leader is paramount to the overall success and impact of the mission. It entails not only the responsibility of ensuring that the team has the necessary resources to carry out their objectives but also being a good steward of the funds entrusted to the mission. Efficient financial management involves meticulous budgeting, transparent communication about expenses, and judicious decision-making. As a team leader, being mindful of expenditures and avoiding unnecessary costs is crucial to maximize the impact of the mission. Demonstrating financial responsibility fosters trust among team members, donors, and the communities being served, showcasing a commitment to integrity and accountability. The effective handling of finances allows the team to focus on the primary purpose of the mission, ensuring that resources are allocated wisely and that the mission's goals are achieved with the greatest possible positive impact.
Determine Team Budgets
Establishing a team mission budget is an integral aspect of mission planning, and the importance of this financial roadmap cannot be overstated. The process of budgeting ensures that resources are allocated judiciously, maximizing the impact of the mission while maintaining fiscal responsibility. CLiM has designed a budget template. that you can use This template serves as a valuable tool, offering clarity and transparency regarding the allocation of funds throughout the mission.
The template is particularly noteworthy for its robust and flexible nature. Its comprehensive design allows team leaders to plan for a variety of scenarios, adapting seamlessly to changes in costs and fluctuations in the team's size. This flexibility is crucial in addressing the dynamic nature of mission trips, where unexpected circumstances may arise. The template's adaptability ensures that the team can navigate unforeseen challenges without compromising the mission's overall objectives, fostering resilience and resourcefulness.
Moreover, the transparency in a mission budget is instrumental in building trust and credibility. Donors and supporters can easily comprehend how their contributions are being utilized, as the template breaks down expenses into specific categories such as travel, accommodation, meals, supplies, and contingencies. This transparency not only meets accountability standards but also enhances the organization's reputation, attracting continued support for future missions.
In essence, the collaboration between mission teams and CLiM with their well-crafted budget template, exemplifies a commitment to effective financial management. By leveraging this tool, teams can navigate the complexities of mission planning with clarity, ensuring that their endeavors remain focused, adaptable, and ultimately successful in achieving their humanitarian goals.
Securing trip insurance is essential for individuals embarking on mission trips, and opting for a specialized provider like Insurance Consultants International (ICI) can offer comprehensive coverage tailored to the unique challenges of such endeavors. Mission trips often involve travel to remote or unfamiliar locations, where access to quality healthcare may be limited. These insurance provides a safety net, covering medical emergencies, evacuation, and repatriation expenses, ensuring that team members receive necessary care without financial burden. Moreover, this specialized insurance addresses the unpredictable nature of mission work, offering protection against trip cancellations, delays, or unforeseen events. By choosing a reputable international mission insurance provider, participants can navigate the uncertainties of their humanitarian journey with confidence, knowing that they have reliable support to address both medical and non-medical contingencies, ultimately enhancing the safety and success of their mission experience.
Please consult your CLiM representative for recommendations for your group and area that you are traveling.
Airport tax, Visa on Arrival and Exit Tax
Securing funds for airport taxes, visa on arrival, and exit taxes is a crucial aspect of international travel preparation. These fees can vary widely depending on the destination, and it's essential for travelers to be aware of and budget for these expenses in advance. Airport taxes are often collected upon departure, supporting airport infrastructure and services. Visa on arrival fees are common in many countries and contribute to administrative costs associated with processing entry documents. Exit taxes, on the other hand, are levied when leaving a country and are used to fund various services. Adequately budgeting for these expenses ensures a smooth and hassle-free travel experience, preventing any last-minute financial stress. It's advisable for travelers to research the specific requirements of their destination and plan accordingly, allocating funds for these fees to ensure a seamless entry and exit process during their journey.
Please consult your CLiM representative for specific amount required for your trip. Each country may vary in their processes and how they collect these fees.
12. How To Handle Team Fundraising
Team Leader Responsibilities
Make it clear to your team that each member is responsible for raising his or her own funds, unless the church is subsidizing the trip. This will vary from church to church. There are two primary ways our teams raise money; personal support letters and team fundraisers.
Personal Support letters
Team leaders need to encourage each team member to send out personal support letters. Team members may find asking for support an uncomfortable endeavor. It requires humility. It is also an amazing way to see God at work as He provides through sources they never expected. Team members may choose to ask for support by requesting financial support for their trip, a donation for the team project, or most importantly - prayer support. Support letters provide a great way for team members to share their upcoming trip with others. Don’t be surprised if support letters lead to opportunities to share your faith!
Encourage team members to keep track of their supporters so that they can send thank you letters. Team members may wish to take names and addresses on the trip (printed on address labels) to send a postcard from the country. Follow-up letters are also a great way to share what they learned on the mission trip with their supporters at home. For a sample letter see Sample Individual Team Fundraising Letter.
Support letters need to include the option of donations being sent anonymously. Please include a sentence that clearly states that this is a viable option.
Guidelines for Writing Personal Support Letters
Letters should be no longer than one page in length. Anything longer will lessen the effect of the letter.
Be sure to include supplemental materials such as: -self addressed (to you), stamped envelope -reply card that allows your reader to notify you of their support (whether it’s prayer, financial or both)
Letters should include a brief description about the country/culture you are going to.
Letters should also have information on the sending organization and the hosting organization. The sending organization is the church or ministry planning the trip. The hosting group is the mission agency and/or national church with whom you are working.
Include a description of what the team will be doing. Mention why the team is doing this particular project. For example, if the team is building a rural clinic – why is that a need in the community?
Include the cost of the trip per person.
Mention why you want to be involved in this trip. Briefly list your strongest reasons for going on this trip. You may mention a desire to become more globally aware and develop a deeper faith. But readers would be more likely to donate money to an actual project or activity they can see.
State how you would like your readers to be involved. You need to address why you are asking people to contribute financially. Go back to the project description mentioned in the third guideline and ask the reader to participate in this endeavor by supporting you and contributing to the specific expenses you would incur by going. This need not be a long “sales pitch” but rather a simple request.
Clear instructions on how contributors are to respond, including:
make the check payable to your church mission dept. (checks should not be made payable to you if the contributor wishes the donation to be tax deductible)
the trip and year must be written in the memo section of the check
complete the reply card and send it (as well as the check if applicable) back in the self addressed envelope
specific date of when you need it.
Please be sure to mention in your letter that any funds collected above the team’s required amount will be donated to needs directly related to the ministry of this trip.
Timeline for Raising Support
Initial deposit date: deposit $200 (nonrefundable after first team meeting)
First team meeting: Cover support letters, hand out Ideas for Fundraising Contacts which are found in the appendix.
Two months from departure date: half of total trip cost due
One month prior to departure: fundraising completed (support checks will continue to come in until you leave and possibly even after you return.)
If team members have not reached their financial goal one month prior to departure, then leaders are responsible for discussing options for the team members’ costs to be covered (ie. more support letters, follow up calls, personal donations).
Team Fundraising Events
These team events provide the team with an opportunity to share about their trip’s purpose and how people can be involved with supporting the project. While the team may be focused on raising support for their trip, the events should be primarily focused on community building.
Team leaders may delegate responsibilities of team fundraisers by assigning the “job” of fundraising to other team members. Those team members should be responsible for coordinating the event but the entire team should participate. If you are planning to have more than one fundraiser, you may wish to divide the duties among several or all team members.
Be creative! I am sure that you church will have multiple mission trips going out each year. Challenge your team to think of new and creative fundraising ideas and potential donors specifically targeted in the community.
Money raised from team fundraisers should be counted and recorded by the team leaders or church mission dept. Each church group will conduct this differently.
Decide how many fundraising “events” you want to do with your team. We recommend no more than 2-3 events per team. Coordinate these events with your church administrator with the approval of your church leaders.
Helpful Hints:
Coordinate fundraising events with other teams - it really assists in the community building aspect and creates a larger buzz about the event!
Delegate responsibilities to team members for fundraising events.
Set deadlines for support to be raised (see timeline above).
Plan to have all funds raised one month prior to departure date.
Cover support letters at your first team meeting. -Set a deadline for support letters to be completed and mailed.
Clarify what events qualify as tax-deductible status so your donors are knowledgeable.
Fundraising Event Ideas (See also Fundraising Policy below):
Carwash (look for an organization to match the funds that you raise)
Coffee house independent of all Frontline services
Silent fundraiser or Benefit
Fun Run
“Chore” requests-babysitting, house cleaning, etc.
Restaurant Night
Golf Day
Fund Raising Do Nots
No alcohol
No substance abuse
Focus on the community building aspect of your event, not the fundraiser in all promotions.
All movies must be PG rated and occasionally – with permission only we can show a PG13 provided the rating has to do with the intensity of the drama – not because of language or modesty.
“The humble will see their Lord at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help live in joy.” Psalm 69:32
How To Handle Team Members That Did Not Raise Enough Funds?
If a team member is struggling to fully raise sufficient funds for their mission trip, there are several steps you can take to address the situation:
Assessment and Communication: Start by having an open and honest conversation with the team member. Understand the reasons behind the shortfall in funds, any challenges they may be facing, and their current efforts. This initial assessment is crucial in determining the best course of action.
Review and Adjust Budget: Evaluate the mission trip budget and see if there are areas where adjustments can be made to reduce costs without compromising the essential aspects of the trip. This may include exploring more cost-effective accommodation options, transportation alternatives, or modifying the itinerary.
Group Fundraising Efforts: Encourage the team to come together for collective fundraising efforts. Organize team events, such as fundraisers, car washes, or community outreach, where the pooled resources can help cover the financial gap for the struggling team member. Group solidarity often brings in additional support.
Seek Support from the sending church:
If applicable, consult with your church’s missions pastor or finance director to explore any available resources, advice, or additional support for team members facing fundraising difficulties.
Create a Crowdfunding Campaign: Leverage online crowdfunding platforms to create a campaign specifically for the team member facing financial challenges. Share the campaign across social media platforms, email, and other communication channels to reach a broader audience and garner support from friends, family, and the community.
Explore Financial Assistance Options: Investigate whether your sending church are connected with any external sponsors that may offer financial assistance, scholarships, or grants for team members encountering fundraising difficulties. Some organizations may have contingency funds or specific programs in place to support participants who need additional financial help.
Remember, the key is to approach the situation with empathy and a willingness to explore solutions collaboratively. By combining efforts, adjusting plans, and seeking support from various sources, you can often find viable solutions to help the team member overcome financial challenges and still participate in the mission trip.
13. Handling The Administrative Stuff
The team leader's role in handling administrative tasks for a mission trip is pivotal in ensuring a smooth and well-organized expedition. From coordinating travel logistics and managing finances to overseeing paperwork, permits, and communication with local authorities, the team leader's administrative responsibilities contribute to the overall success of the mission. Efficient administrative management allows team members to focus on their respective roles without the burden of logistical challenges, fostering a cohesive and productive atmosphere. Moreover, meticulous attention to administrative details enhances safety, compliance, and accountability, instilling confidence among team members and stakeholders. Ultimately, the team leader's dedication to administrative excellence facilitates a streamlined mission experience, enabling the team to concentrate on their humanitarian objectives with confidence and efficiency.
Communicate and Coordinate With Key People
Airline Ticketing
Ensuring a successful mission trip necessitates careful coordination and communication with the church missions pastors and relevant administrative staff. To commence the journey seamlessly, it is essential to liaise with the designated personnel for airline ticketing. By consulting the church's mission pastors or administrators responsible for travel logistics, the team can navigate the complexities of ticket bookings, securing the best rates and ensuring a synchronized departure and return schedule.
Conference Room Reservation
Additionally, reserving a church conference room for pre-trip meetings and planning sessions is crucial. This involves reaching out to the church administrative staff in charge of room bookings, guaranteeing a dedicated space for thorough preparations, strategy discussions, and team-building activities.
Advertising a Fundraiser
Effective communication with the administrative team is equally pivotal when advertising a fundraiser for the mission trip. Coordinating efforts with those responsible for communication and promotion within the church ensures that fundraising initiatives receive proper visibility and support from the congregation, maximizing the team's financial resources.
Trip Insurance
When it comes to trip insurance, seeking guidance from the church missions pastors or administrative staff acquainted with insurance procedures becomes essential. Identifying the appropriate contacts streamlines the process of obtaining comprehensive coverage, safeguarding team members against unforeseen circumstances during the mission trip.
Team Send Off Service
Scheduling a commissioning service is a significant step in the mission preparation process, requiring collaboration with church leaders and those responsible for event planning. By connecting with the relevant administrative personnel, the team ensures a meaningful and spiritually uplifting commissioning service, setting the tone for the mission with blessings and support from the entire congregation.
Airport Pickups
Finally, arranging for rides to and from the airport involves coordination with church members or designated transportation volunteers. Communicating with the church administrative staff or mission pastors facilitates the organization of transportation logistics, ensuring that the team can focus on their mission without concerns about travel to and from the airport.
Request For Petty Cash
Communicating with the church's finance department to request petty cash for the upcoming mission trip holds paramount importance in ensuring the team's readiness and adaptability during the journey. Petty cash serves as a crucial resource for addressing immediate and unforeseen expenses that may arise, such as transportation tips, minor supplies, or incidental costs. By making this request well in advance of the departure date, the trip leader allows the finance department adequate time to process and prepare the cash, ensuring its availability when needed. This proactive approach contributes to the team's efficiency and flexibility, allowing them to navigate unexpected situations with ease while reinforcing responsible financial stewardship. The timely acquisition of petty cash not only streamlines the team's operational logistics but also exemplifies prudent planning and collaborative communication between the mission team and the church's financial administrators.
In summary, effective communication with church missions pastors and administrative staff is indispensable for a well-coordinated and successful mission trip. By identifying the correct points of contact for airline ticketing, conference room reservations, fundraising advertising, trip insurance, commissioning services, and transportation logistics, the team can navigate the administrative aspects seamlessly, allowing them to concentrate on the mission's core objectives with confidence and clarity.
14. How to Run your Team Meetings
Preparing Your First Team Meeting
Meet with your Mission director/Pastor to discuss any details that apply
Meet with your co-leader to pray and establish your meeting agenda
Contact the Follow Up Coordinator to schedule the team’s follow up meeting. This meeting is not an optional event – it is the MOST important meeting of the process.
Be clear on the responsibilities of each team leader during the meetings
Make all necessary copies BEFORE the day of your meeting
Have team notebooks prepared BEFORE the meeting
Arrange for snacks/beverages (if desired, not included in team budgets)
Provide passport applications from post office or on line at
Send out meeting times and directions to teammates in plenty of time
First Team Meeting:
Ideally this meeting should take place about two weeks after your “get to know you” dinner.
As a way to connect your pastor or mission director, invite him/her to this first meeting. This time is purely to encourage the participants on the team, acknowledge the leadership of the team leaders, and allow team members to see a face to the leadership of the ministry. This will hopefully allow team members to feel more confident and comfortable in approaching church leadership in the future with any necessary concerns about their ministry experience.
Have each team member share their testimonies at the team meetings. Whether the members share their testimonies all at once during one meeting or spread them out over the 5 meetings before the trip is a decision of the team leaders. The testimonies should last no longer than 10-15 minutes each. Suggest to the team members that they write out their testimonies before the meeting to help them prepare what to say. During the first team meeting, the team leaders should share their testimonies. Keep in mind that the team leaders set the tone for the rest of the team as to how vulnerable they are with their testimonies.
Fundraising should definitely be discussed during this first meeting. Have sample fundraising letters ( copied for the team members. Go over the process of sending out support letters. Some people will even need help brainstorming names for their list of supporters. Require individual team member’s support letters be mailed by the second team meeting and have team members bring copies of their support letters to this second meeting.
It would also be good to discuss possible team fundraising events during this first meeting and find several dates that would work with the team for team fundraising events. All fundraising ideas must be given to the GI Support Coordinator to be approved by church policy and to confirm the dates don’t interfere with another event.
For team members who do not have a passport, have them turn in their applications to the post office by the second meeting. Be sure to communicate clearly that turning in passport applications is their responsibility and financial obligation.
First Meeting Handouts:
Tips on giving testimonies (See Tips on Giving Testimonies)
Expectations/goals (See Team Member Expectations Worksheet)
Fundraising letters-samples & guidelines
Passport applications, if needed. (
To be collected
CLiM registration form signed and turned in to leaders.
Travel release form signed and turned in to leaders.
Copy of passport information page and turned in to leaders. (Applicants without passport to turn in their copy of passport application form)
Collect $200 initial non-refundable deposit and turned in to leaders.
Sample Meeting # 1 Agenda
Date of Meeting
Opening Prayer
Ice Breaker 30 - 45 mins
Devotional 15 - 30 mins
Team’s Expectations 30 - 45 mins
Walk through manuals – purpose of each section
What do you want the Lord to do through you? To you?
Have you been on a mission trip before? Concerns? Fears?
Expectation of Leaders? Create the Team Covenant
Assign Buddies
Break out time with Buddies
Leader’s Expectation of Team 30 mins
Attendance at all meetings
Respect for team
Being on time
Don’t have right to detract from other’s experience
Sign all necessary documents for CLiM
Sharing the workload 15 mins
Job Descriptions
Dates of Meeting
Hosting Meetings
Passports and Shots information 10 mins
Support Raising 15 mins
Scripture to support
Sample letters and guidelines
Team Fundraisers
Leader’s Testimonies 20 mins
Overview of next meeting
Preparing Your Second Team Meeting
Now that a lot of logistics have been taken care of at the first meeting, you can really have some fun and fellowship in the following meetings.
Immunization list
Take Team photo
Collect support letter
Collect copies of passports or passport applications
Cover fundraising deadlines and procedure for submitting support
Outline of 5 min testimony for use in country; due on 3rd meeting
Review reading assignment (if using a training book or devotional)
Assignments for next meeting
Sample Meeting # 2 Agenda
Date of meeting
Opening Prayer
Ice Breaker 30 mins
Administrative Issues 15 mins
Collect Support Letter
Set fundraising due date
Fundraising; procedure for turning in checks (check with your mission dept. for checks donated to your team member)
Passport copies (or copy of completed form) if was not collected during 1st meeting.
Testimony for use in country
Devotional 15 mins
Testimonies – first three 45 mins
5-minute break
Testimonies – next two 30 mins
Review Reading assignment:15 mins (Serving with Eyes Wide Open - Dave Livermore)
Assignments for next meeting: 5 mins
Touch base with Buddy once a week
Read pages of devotional or book (if applicable)
Assign each team member to find out country specifics information (economy, political, culture, language, etc)
Assign team medic
Outline of 5 minute testimony due by 4th meeting
Closing prayer
Clean up
Set up next meeting
Preparing Your Third, Fourth and Fifth Team Meetings
There is a great amount of flexibility in the later meetings. The topics below should be covered, and the sample agenda’s are meant simply as a guide.
Updates on group fundraising
Collect outline of 5-minute testimonies
Review assignments from previous meeting
Finalize travel plans
Confirm airport transportation
Handout emergency contact information for team to give family and mission dept.
Review all outstanding administrative issues
Foot washing and communion
Schedule the time for your team to meet at the church for departure – supporters, family, coworkers, small groups, etc.
Sample Meeting #3 Agenda
Date of meeting
Opening Prayer
Ice Breaker 15 mins
Devotional 15 mins
Outstanding paperwork 5 mins
Update on Jobs 30 mins
Collect outline of 5 min Testimony for use in country
Update on country specific information.
Support update 10 mins
Reminder for final payment due date (Check with CLiM staff for exact date)
Stretch/drink break 5 min
Testimonies 75 mins
Prayer Buddies 15 mins
Closing prayer
Next Meeting
Suggestion: Plan for an over night retreat for the team.
Prayer topics: 1) team unity, 2) ea. Team member’s personal preparation, 3) community, 4) needs of missionaries we will work with.
Team leaders 6) team leaders pray for 1-5
Sample Meeting #4 Agenda
Date of meeting
Opening Prayer
Ice Breaker 30 mins
Leaders to collect remaining payment.
Submit final payment to Church Missions Dept.
Update on Jobs
Continue on country specific information
Collect Outline of 5 min Testimony for use in country
Prayer Buddies 30 mins
Devotional 15 mins
Language Lesson 30 mins
Closing Prayer
Sample Meeting #5 Agenda
Date of meeting
Open with Prayer
Ice Breaker – flexibility 30 mins
Call CLiM Trip Leader to introduce to the team
schedule a conference call with CLiM
to provide any final details
to encourage
and convey the heart and vision of the trip.
Administrative Issues 15 mins
Collect passport photos Collect 5 min testimony
Collect any outstanding payment.
Hand Outs:
Buddy’s goals
Travel itinerary
Packing list
Give out Emergency contact
Language lessons 45 mins
Remaining country specific report
Travel briefing 30 mins
Tips to comfortable plane travel
How to fill in immigration form
Things to bring (or not to bring) into plane
Have passport and visa (if applicable) on you
Finalize travel plans
Where to meet before flight check in
Schedule a time
Check in as a group
Addresses of supporters for email updates
Devotion – Servanthood 45 mins
Prayer Requests 15 mins
Closing Prayer
15. How to Plan your Retreat
Retreats are a key time in your team building. Almost all team leaders will comment on how the team dynamic greatly changed after a retreat. This is mostly due to simply having time to “hang out” and not having as much of an agenda. Team Leaders decide what to do on a retreat, where to have the retreat, and if it should be a one night or two night retreat (remember to calculate the costs appropriately for your budget and fundraising).
16. How to Create a Team Covenant
Early in the process, after your team is selected, you should devote some time to creating a team covenant. This covenant should define the sacrifice and commitment your team will require of its members. Give the task of writing the covenant to your team. The more ownership they have in setting the standards of their project, the higher their expectations will be of themselves. Everyone on your team, including leaders, should sign the covenant.
Creating the Covenant
Assemble the team together and ask different team members why they chose to sign up for this trip. After hearing many responses to this question, ask for a show of hands to the following questions:
How many want to see God do something incredible in their lives?
How many want to see God work through them to reach people for His glory?
How many want to return home different from whom they were when they first signed up for this trip?
While keeping their hands up, take the opportunity to look at them and allow them to convince you that this is why they chose to go on this trip. Affirm their decision, let them know that you believe them and as their leaders express 100% commitment to do whatever it takes to see God do these things in them and through them.
Transferring Ownership
Now, as their leaders, make it known to the team that this mission trip experience belongs to them as a team, and its success is ultimately in their hands. By the decisions they, as a group, make they have the power to make this the best trip ever, or the worst? This mission trip does not belong to the team leaders or to any staff member of CLiM.
It is theirs!
They raised the money and they have the miraculous God-stories to tell…
They gathered the sponsors and prayer support…
They have been hand picked by God to be here, ‘for such a time as this…’
Creating the Environment
Now it is important to ask how the team can create a great environment for God to use them and to do a great work through them. Ask the team what are things that the team should commit to doing. Hopefully the team will want to commit to:
Love God
Allow God to do what He wants in you and through you…
Give 100% (John 14:15)
Obey willingly
Submit to leadership
Love one another as yourself
Challenge yourself to grow closer to God
Do what Jesus would do
Speak positively about others, don’t bring others down…
If conflict arises, deal with it quickly, honestly and respectfully
Be fully devoted to the Lord
Have a pure heart
Now, ask the team what are things that would disrupt this environment and prevent the team from having a successful experience. What are things that will intrude and hinder the team in its efforts? Hopefully, the team will want to commit to preventing:
Bad attitudes
Create an environment where now the team can hold each other accountable to what they committed to do and what they committed to prevent. Ask team members to allow the leaders to hold them accountable. Convince the team that it is their responsibility to protect their team from Satan’s attacks.
Keys to Making the Covenant Work
Some keys to making this covenant work successfully are:
Address attitudes, sarcasm, complaining, and rebellion immediately; don’t wait
These issues that we want to prevent will not disappear on their own
Put this covenant into effect immediately
Holding a hard line at the beginning will help to get the team holding each other accountable
Create security in your team
Boundaries are clear
Less problems later on
The motivation and purpose behind this is not because we like rules. We care too much; they’ve come too far and worked too hard to miss out on what God has in store for them. Allow this to be a time when the team devotes themselves to the purpose of this trip and why God has called them to be part of something larger!
Samples Team Covenants
Sample Covenant 1
Accountability: attitude, everyone keeps everyone in check, don’t get frustrated when nothing seems to be happening.
Debriefing: have time to share about the day, set aside time to talk.
Personal Devotions: goal is to do them each day, have a partner ask how your devotion was today?
Be courteous to people who are serving us while in Ecuador: hotel staff, host missionaries, pastors
Keep things orderly: make sure that your mess doesn’t hinder others, let others know if they’re in the way. Everyone should have his or her own space.
Be on time or early.
No: venting to partners, gossiping, whining or complaining.
Respect: whoever is leading, whoever is speaking, property that doesn’t belong to us, team members’ quiet time.
Build appropriate non-romantic relationships with team members and locals.
Conflicts: be willing to talk & listen & take the issue to God.
Commit to being open to God’s will for our lives.
Keep other members in prayer both during and after the trip.
NO quitting.
By signing below, I hereby covenant with my teammates and with God to adhere to the above.
Sample Covenant 2
As a servant of Jesus Christ and a representative of "church" covenant to model Jesus Christ and share what He has done in my life.
In order to be spiritually prepared, I will have daily prayer and devotions to discover God’s will.
I commit to being a servant and will reflect a selfless attitude. (Phil 2:1-11)
As a team leader, I will pray each morning for the team. As a team member, I will pray each morning for the leaders.
As a leader, I will lead with a servant’s heart; As a team member, I will uphold the leaders’ decisions even if I don’t agree with them.
As I step out of my comfort zone, I commit to being flexible and to finding security in the knowledge that God is in control.
As a guest in the country, I will honor the host families’ property, agenda & family and seek to understand the culture.
I realize that I am part of a team and that my actions affect the cohesiveness of the team. To promote team unity, I will attend every group meeting on time.
I will build appropriate non-romantic relationships with team members and the locals.
I will recognize each team member’s contributions and encourage them to fulfill their unique roles in the team while holding them accountable to their full potential.
By signing below, I hereby covenant with my teammates and with God to adhere to the above.
17. Healthcare Issues
International travel allows for a host of potential health problems. Please see Health Form for Team Members for a one page informational form that will help you, as leaders, have the necessary information on each person to make decisions in case a team member has a medical emergency or accident. Each team member must complete the Travel release form and give it to their team leaders during the 1st group meeting. Group leaders must make a copy and keep the copy. The originals must be submitted to CLiM.
Team members need to be equipped with information that will decrease the risk of disease and injury associated with exposure to different cultures. This section can serve as a resource for health education of mission teams.
Many countries require visitors to receive certain immunizations before entering the country. It is quite beneficial to the traveler to receive the suggested immunizations. It has been said that required immunizations are there to protect the people in the country and recommended ones are to protect the traveler. This may not always be true but it certainly applies sometimes. Here are some frequently asked questions along with the answers.
What are immunizations? Immunizations help people decrease their susceptibility to specific infectious diseases. There are many diseases throughout the world that are vaccine-preventable. This means that serums have been developed to protect people from acquiring certain diseases. These serums, once injected into the body, build up antibodies causing the person to become immune to the disease.
Do they hurt? Many people have pain associated with injections. But the pain is minimal compared to the problems associated with the diseases that they protect people from.
How do I know what immunizations I need? There are a few ways to find out what immunizations are needed. There is a list of immunizations specific to many world regions listed in this section of the manual. Be sure to check that your childhood immunizations are up-to-date. Additionally, it is always a good idea to visit a health care provider prior to traveling out of the country. The Public Health Department is an excellent resource for travel planning as well as for receiving needed immunizations. Your primary health care provider may also be able to provide you with some of the information. Finally, the Centers for Disease Control web page contains updated information on what immunizations are needed in certain parts of the world. Their web address is
Common Immunizations for International Travel
Cholera: This disease is transmitted in contaminated food and water. Two doses are needed and are good for 3-6 months after completion of the series. It tends to cost about $10-15 per dose.
Hepatitis A: This is VERY highly recommended for all travelers no matter where the destination may be. Hepatitis A is spread by close personal contact and through contaminated food and water. It comes in a series of two immunizations. If you get the first one before you leave it should be fine although it is best to get both. The second one is given about 6 months later. Each injection can run from $50-90 depending on where you get it.
Hepatitis B: This immunization is especially important for health care workers and others that may be exposed to blood. It is a series of three injections: take the first dose, a month later the second dose and then 6 months after the first dose the third is given. The price range is $35-60 per dose.
Japanese Encephalitis: This vaccine is needed by people traveling to Asian countries because it is epidemic in many areas. It is a viral disease transmitted by mosquito. It is a series of three injections: the first one is given, a week later the second and then 30 days after the first dose. There are seasons in each area when transmission is at its peak. Generally it is April-November but it depends on the country.
Meningococcal Vaccine: Meningococcal meningitis is an inflammation of the linings of the brain and spinal cord and is caused by bacteria. It is an air-borne pathogen, which means that it is spread through droplets from the respiratory tract of an infected person. There is one injection. Prices run $65 and up.
Rabies: This vaccine is recommended for travelers that will be in close contact with animals. It is transmitted by bite, scratch or, very rarely, lick of an infected animal. It is a series of three injections given during a 3-4 week period.
Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td): Many countries require this immunization. Because of the nature of most mission trips, it is highly recommended to have a Td booster. Most people know this shot because you need it if you “step on a rusty nail.” It is good for 10 years. You might want to check your immunization records to see if you have one within 10 years. Td usually costs about $10-30.
Typhoid: There are two ways to get the typhoid vaccine. There is a single injection or a series of pills. For the pill, 4 dosed are taken over 7 days. This is another disease that is spread by contaminated food and drink. It is related to salmonella poisoning that most people have heard of. The most important way to prevent typhoid is by watching what you eat and drink. It is also recommended to take preventive medication – the typhoid vaccine. The price is about $45-50.
Yellow Fever: This vaccine is particularly needed with travel to South America and Africa. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. Many countries require documentation of it to gain entry. There is one injection and it costs about $65.
Where can I get my immunizations? One of the best places to go is the County Public Health Departments (PHD). They have specific hours set up for International Travel Clinics. You will want to check with your insurance company to see what they will cover. MOST companies do NOT cover immunizations. PHD is usually cheaper than private offices and clinics plus there is no visit fee charged.
Who pays for my immunizations? All shots and/or immunizations are the personal responsibility of each team member. However, if Team Leaders want to reimburse a team member for their shots, then it MUST be included in the team’s budget. The only exception is if the team raises considerably above and beyond their total amount required and are willing to use the excess funds to reimburse this cost to team members. But if this is the desire of the team leaders, then they should note that in their budget.
Disease Precautions When traveling to foreign countries it is possible to become exposed to diseases that are not common in the country we live in. While there are many immunizations that protect us from certain diseases there are others where immunizations have not been yet developed. There are precautions that travelers can take to decrease the risk of exposure to some of these.
Malaria This is probably the most well known infectious disease associated with travel to developing countries. The disease is caused by a parasite that is spread by an infected Anopheles mosquito. They usually bite during nighttime hours, from dusk to dawn. The symptoms of malaria are similar to the flu: fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. There are three main ways to protect yourself: anti-malarial drugs, protective bedding and special insect repellants. There are many types of malaria therefore there are also many types of anti-malarial medications. Mosquito netting can be used to cover your bed. It physically keeps mosquitoes out. When choosing an insect repellant it is important to buy one with DEET (diethylmethyltoluamide) to spray on your body and one with permethrin to spray on clothes and bedding (NOT on your body.) Even with these preventive measures it is still possible to get Malaria as it only takes ONE mosquito to infect you.
Malaria Medications What regions of travel are affected by malaria? First of all, there are many areas of the world were malaria prevention is needed. But there are different precautions needed in some areas. For ALL regions, mosquito netting over the bed and insect repellant with DEET can reduce the risk of malaria. Additionally, wearing long sleeves and long pants helps to decrease the chances of getting bitten. In CERTAIN regions, malaria is resistant to certain medications therefore it is important to use an anti-malarial that is suitable for the region you will be visiting. Below is a list of malaria specific to regions.
Malaria – Chloroquine used Mexico Central America (most countries) Caribbean (Haiti & Dominican Republic) Middle East Eastern Europe
Chloroquine-resistant Malaria South America Africa India Asia South Pacific
Mefloquine-resistant Malaria Borders of Thailand with Burma (Myanmar) and Cambodia Western provinces of Cambodia Eastern states of Burma (Myanmar)
What are the medications? There are four main types of anti-malaria medications. Your health care provider will help you determine which one is most appropriate for your trip. It is important to follow the advice of your health care provider over recommendations made in this manual. They are educated to consider each detail of your health history in making choices of medications appropriate for each patient.
Traveler’s Diarrhea (TD) There are various names for this condition (i.e. Montezuma’s revenge) because it is well known as one of the likely results of international travel. TD usually lasts 3 to 7 days. Typical symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, bloating, urgency and malaise. To prevent TD, it is important to watch what you eat and drink. Many health care providers will prescribe an antibiotic like Cipro or Bactrim to help fight the bacteria involved in TD.
It is important to seek medical treatment if the diarrhea has blood or pus in it. This is called dysentery and can become serious. Additionally, it is important to rehydrate when a person is suffering from diarrhea. Fluids that contain sugars and salts will replenish the body of its fluids and electrolytes. If a person gets extremely dehydrated, medical attention is needed.
Medications for Travelers Diarrhea Your health care provider may give you prescriptions for medications used to treat traveler’s diarrhea. When you first begin to experience diarrhea, Pepto-Bismol might help relieve some of the symptoms. Whenever someone experiences diarrhea, it is VERY important to replenish the fluids that they are loosing. Oral rehydration solutions are great if they are available. If not use Gatorade, Kool-Aid or make a homemade solution. A quick recipe is: use one liter of potable, clean (boiled or treated) water (if boiled, cool before mixing) and add half a teaspoon of salt and 8 teaspoons of sugar. If the diarrhea continues, especially with fever and abdominal cramping, begin to use the antibiotics you were given. Always take according to your health care provider’s directions! If symptoms are not relieved in a couple days, consult a health care provider.
Prescription medications
There are a few prescription medications that can help you prevent or minimize possible infections. First, if you are traveling to an area that is known to have malaria, it is important to have your health care provider write a prescription for anti-malarial medication. Second, try to get a prescription for an antibiotic that treats traveler’s diarrhea. Third, make sure you bring an extra supply of personal prescription medications. It is also good to have a copy of your prescriptions or to keep them in the containers in which they are originally packaged. Many countries have different controlled substances laws than we do in the United States.
Health Insurance
CLiM provides coverage for each team member for the duration of their trip to include medical emergencies, emergency evacuation, death or dismemberment. Costs for this coverage is included in the trip cost.
Individuals can also check to see if their health insurance can be used overseas. Many plans do not cover costs incurred in other countries. Additionally, some plans have an emergency evacuation program. This is important in case of an emergency.
Individuals at greater risk There are certain populations that are at greater risk for disease than other populations. If you or a team member falls into one or more of these categories, consult a health care provider prior to taking the trip.
Individuals that are HIV positive or have AIDS
Other individuals who are immuno-compromised
Pregnant women
First Aid Kit
Each team should bring at least one first aid kit for use by the team members. Assign one team member in charge of putting it together before the trip and keeping track of it in country. See below for the contents of a basic first-aid kit plus suggestions of medications to include.
2x2 gauze pads
4x4 gauze pads
Eye patches
Cotton balls
Cotton tip applicators (like Q-tips)
Gauze roll bandages
Cotton elastic bandages (like Ace bandages)
Adhesive strip bandages (Steri-strips) (to hold wounds together)
Adhesive elastic bandages (Band-Aids)
Medical tape
Moleskin for blisters
Large triangular bandage (for a sling)
Latex gloves
Scissors If you are looking for medical supplies to
Tweezers take on the trip with you, please contact:
Swiss Army knife
Safety pins
Cold packs
Tongue depressors (can also be used as a splint)
10 cc/ml syringe to irrigate wounds
Normal saline solution CPR mask
Medications – Non prescription
Hydrogen Peroxide
Antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin)
Hydrocortisone cream (for rashes)
Burn cream (Silvadene cream)
Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Ibuprofen (Advil)
Decongestant (like Sudafed)
Benadryl (anti-allergic reaction, antihistamine)
Melatonin 2mg (helps to regulate body to adjust to new time)
Anti-nausea & motion sickness (like Imodium)
Anti-diarrhea (Pepto-Bismol – tablets of pills easier to bring than liquid)
Gatorade mix or Country Time Lemonade mix (for rehydration associated with diarrhea and vomiting)
Ora-jel (ointment for mouth sores like fever blisters)
Throat lozenges / cough drops
Eye drops Skin lubricant (lotion)
For women: yeast infection medications
Prescription medications
Individual prescription medications
Anti-malaria medications
Traveler’s Diarrhea medications
EpiPen (epinephrine) (for emergency allergic reactions) If needed depending on individual:
Medication for urinary tract infections
Metered dose inhalant (Albuterol) (for asthmatics)
Phenergan (for severe nausea and vomiting)
Antibiotic for upper respiratory infections
Other supplies
Blanket Lip balm
Feminine hygiene products
Insect repellant (with DEET)
Water purification tablets
Contact lenses case
Plastic bags for disposal of materials
First aid book
Other Helpful Hints
Bring sunscreens and lotions, sunglasses, lip balm and a hat to protect against harsh sunlight.
Bring flip-flops or rubber shoes for showering to protect against fungal infections.
Bring packaged snacks in case of unavailable or unsafe food.
During the Trip
Generally, the only water or beverages that can be considered safe are boiled water (the best and most reliable method), hot beverages (tea or coffee) made with boiled water, canned or bottled carbonated beverages, bottled water with a seal that has not been broken, or water that has been chemically cleaned. Carbonated bottled water tends to be better than un-carbonated water. BE SURE to clean and dry the top area where you put your mouth on ALL cans! There is a chance that contaminated water may have come in contact with the top of the can. You can buy chemical water disinfectants such as iodine and bleach. These can make the water taste bad so it might be helpful to add some salt or flavoring (like Kool-Aid.) Also if you use iodine, make sure that none of the team members have an iodine allergy or shellfish allergy. These products can be purchased at sporting goods stores and pharmacies. Do NOT drink beverages served with ice. Finally, it is best not to use untreated water or tap water in developing countries to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.
Be careful when selecting foods. A good rule of thumb is: “Boil it, cook it, peel it or forget it!” Foods of most concern are salads, uncooked fruits and vegetables, unpasteurized (not boiled) milk and milk products, raw or undercooked meat or fish and shellfish. Be careful with fish caught in fresh water because there can be toxins that do not cook out. Make sure all food is thoroughly cooked. Do NOT eat food from street vendors! When eating fresh fruits and vegetables, wash them VERY well and peel them. Do NOT eat the peelings. It is better to eat at restaurants that are a little more expensive and look fairly busy. The food is generally fresher and food is constantly being prepared.
The only places safe for swimming are chlorinated pools and ocean beaches that are away from cities. Swimming and wading in fresh water puts you at risk for Schistosoma, which is a parasitic worm. Oceans near cities tend to be polluted with the city’s waste and sewage.
After the Trip
If you are taking anti-malarial medications, continue them according to the directions on the prescription.
When traveling to other countries, you are exposed to germs and diseases that are different from what is encountered in the United States. There are many diseases that do not evidence themselves right after exposure. They can stay in the body for some time before being noticed. For these reasons, it is important to look for signs of infection. If you have fever, a rash or persistent diarrhea, consult a health care provider immediately. If you think that you might have been exposed to tuberculosis, get a TB test (called a PPD for purified protein derivative) about 3 months after exposure. With treatment of any illness, be sure to mention that you have traveled out of the country. This may help with diagnosis of any problems.
Travel Medicine: See a Specialist
If you return from a foreign trip with a strange bug bite or illness, you may want to contact the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) to find a doctor who specializes in travel-related disease. Ailing travelers tend to go to their primary care physician first and doctors often think it is the flu, without inquiring if it’s related to travel outside the US. Some conditions that stump a general practitioner are much more familiar to travel medicine specialists. The group’s site on the World Wide Web ( permits searches for travel clinics in the United States and elsewhere. The directory includes approximately 34 doctors and clinics in the Washington area that provide travel medicine services.
Immunizations Recommended for Specific World Regions
Always check for an updated list with CDC
Central America and the Caribbean Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria Typhoid Yellow Fever (some countries)
South America Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria Typhoid Yellow Fever
Western Europe Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria
Eastern Europe & Former Soviet Union Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria Typhoid
Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria Typhoid Yellow Fever Meningcoccal meningitis
Middle East Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria Typhoid Meningcoccal meningitis
India Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria Japanese Encephalitis Typhoid
Asia Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria Japanese Encephalitis Typhoid
Australia and Pacific Islands Typhoid Hepatitis A Tetanus/Diphtheria
Local Public Health Departments & Travel Clinics
Check your local listings.
18. Checklist Prior to Team Departure
Before each team departs, it is imperative that our staff has specific information about your team and your trip. It is not an option as to whether you should submit all of this or not. We must have it for accountability and for safety purposes. Use the following checklist to confirm that you have submitted everything necessary no later than one week before your departure.
Final Team Roster (legal name, personal contact info, DOB, etc)
Copies of Passports (black and white)
Copies of Health Forms (includes emergency contact info)
Time and venue of the team for loading and departure.
Flight info and contact numbers of CLiM staff (information will be provide by CLiM)
Contact information while team is in-country information (provided by CLiM)
Daily Schedule of the team while in-country (provided by CLiM)
19. Contingency Planning
With the current conditions of the world, there is an increasing need to prepare teams with the necessary training to consider contingency plans for any crisis or emergency that may arise while the team is in the field. There are 4 categories of potential “crisis” that could happen on a mission trip.
Logistical (lost luggage, canceled flight, stolen passport) – not technically a “crisis”
Medical Crisis
Natural Disaster
Arrest / Detainment
Political Unrest / War / Terrorism / Abduction
And 3 crisis management plans that everyone should have mapped out prior to departure.
Communications Plan
Medical Emergency Plan
Evacuation Plan
Emergency Situations
Events that are relatively minor here in the states will be much more stressful overseas. This is due to the fact that things are just different overseas, and this lack of familiarity can greatly increase stress.
Note that ALL CLiM leaders/staff will be equipped with the information needed below for any emergency evacuation and has a communication plan in place. Please read through the sections below and call CLiM if you have any questions.
CLiM has an emergency phone no. for those situations where the team needs to get in contact immediately with someone back in the US. You, the leader will have to also establish an emergency contact in church. This no. must be given to CLiM's Missions Director. This number should also be given to the families or main contacts for team members here in the US/locally when an emergency arises and the family needs to contact the team member. Please ask families NOT to use the number solely to see if the “team is okay.” Our standard policy is no news is good news.
CLiM Emergency no. is +1-253-256-2186
We have done our best to outline some major guidelines for you and your co-leader to discuss and prepare for prior to departure. If a situation does arise while your team is in the field, remember that the CLiM staff and your church leadership are ultimately responsible for making key decisions so communication with us is vital. The church will also rely on the wisdom and insight of the liaison, missionary or local pastor the team is partnering with. If the situation is a result of political unrest/civil war, CLiM will follow the instructions of the US State Department and local Embassy. CLiM will notify all emergency contacts immediately and continue updates as necessary. Please ask team members to limit their interaction home during these periods of time.
If a team member disregards the policies and requests of CLiM staff, which compromises the safety of the team in their communication, behavior or actions while on the field, the team member will be held responsible and subject to church discipline as necessary.
We have outlined some information (may not be an exhaustive list) you should present to your team and provide for the GI Staff before your departure.
Communication Plan
Telephone Info:
country code
IDD number
NDD number
Primary POC in country: Phone number: Backup number: Email:
Secondary POC in country: Phone number: Backup number: Email:
State Department Info
travel advisories
contacts for country information
US Embassy Number:
US Embassy Address:
Local Ministry phone no. and address:
CLiM Emergency phone no.:
Your church key contact phone no.:
Cell Phones:
Know how to make local calls in-country
Know how to call the U.S.
In the Field
Chain of Command: team members | team leader | CLiM staff | Local host | CLiM / Church Leadership.
If things become “out of control”
Maintain calm attitude in front of team
CLiM leader will discuss situation and course of action with both leaders.
Country host will be involve with any in-country options.
Take time to pray.
CLiM leader will call to update CLiM missions director.
CLiM missions director will confer to your key church contact.
Pray again
Don’t exacerbate the panic!
Remember PEOPLE FIRST!!!
in case of hospitalization, balance team with individual
in case of lost luggage or passport, remember the individual first
people are a priority over the project
When to call home:
Hospitalization or death of team member
Someone must leave the field for any reason
A team member is missing (overnight)
A team member is detained (overnight)
Team is affected by natural disaster (ie. earthquake, tsunami)
War breaks out in the country/region
What happens when you call home: CLiM mission director is your first contact in the US.
CLiM director will liaise with your church leadership for all major decision making.
In the instance the situation goes above our control/knowledge, we can consult with a Crisis Consulting company or government agencies that specialize in short-term trip emergencies.
Medical Emergency Plan
Medical Information:
Have documentation for each team member, and yourself (CLiM will have all copies of these information. Crucial to collect all paperwork required by CLiM)
Take enough medicines/first aid kit for the entire journey
Everyone should take medical insurance cards
CLiM leader will use travel insurance – includes, Emergency Evacuation Insurance (not applicable to war in region)
Evacuation Plan
All CLiM leaders will be equipped with
Airline Information Travel agent:
Partner Airlines:
Local office number in-country:
Local office address in-country:
“Airport” in the local language (It’s the most important word after “bathroom!”)
Know if there are multiple airports, and if so, which is yours.
Ensure everyone takes a credit card for emergency use
Know the contact number to shut off your card if stolen.
Advise your credit card where you’re going ahead of time.
Ensure everyone has some cash (local & US) for emergency use
US Embassy Information: US Embassy Number: US Embassy Address:
NO trip is SAFE! There are always risks to be aware of.
Leaders should always consider what the potential risks are for their specific trip project or destination and plan for it appropriately. Always expect and anticipate so you can be prepared for an emergency situation.
Coordinate with your liaison (pre-trip) because they often have processes for likely emergencies as they are also responsible for the team. Always discuss a plan of action.
Spiritual preparation of the team leaders and team members is crucial in any and every situation.
DO NOT BLOG or send mass emails!...about any emergency that happens while in-country. It could cause more problems than help. Be wise about any other external contact as well.
Specific guidelines may be outlined for the team (depending on the emergency situation) like no media outlets or use of email to ensure safety of the team. If this is the case, the team leaders are expected to relay the information to the team and uphold any guidelines.
GI Staff will inform the church family as necessary.
Trip Cancellation Policy
Many countries in the world do not enjoy the peace and stability of the United States. Additionally, many Christians in different countries experience real physical persecution. In recognition of that, CLiM will seek the Holy Spirit’s leading as well as the in-country host as to when to cancel a planned trip. Specifically, this means that when a country has a State Department travel advisory, the specific trip will be monitored more closely by the CLiM missions director. Their advice and guidance will be given priority over generic country wide warnings issued by the State Dept. If the US State Department takes the unusual step of evacuating non-essential personnel from the US Embassy in that country, this will greatly increase the probability that the trip will be cancelled.
20. On the Field: What to do on your Trip
You have made it to the field, and this is what your team has been preparing for, for several months. Ideally, this will be a time where God really blesses your efforts and your team is grown and challenged in ways that you could not have imagined. However, we must always be aware of the fact that we are engaged in spiritual battle, and the devil attacks those who are seeking to serve our Risen Lord. Below are some guidelines that will help keep you focused, and give you some guidance when things do not go as planned.
Use of Cell Phones, Email, Blogs
It is always the policy of CLiM teams that ‘no news is good news.’ Team leaders should prepare team members that they may not take cell phones with them for use in-country. If they do take their cell phones with them, require that they keep them turned off until they are in the airports flying home. CLiM leaders and team leaders should be the only people carrying cell phones (if coverage works) on the field for use during emergency situations.
Team leaders should also convey to team members that the use of personal email, myspace or blog sites will be limited while in-country. (We realize not all trips will have access to internet). The only purpose a team should be communicating online is if they are keeping their supporters updated on their blog site. Other needs for team members to be accessing their personal email will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
There are a couple main reasons for addressing this topic and for team leaders to help implement these guidelines. The first is due to an increasing need for safety of our teams. There are several locations that we will mobilize teams to that require us to be extremely careful in the promotion of the location or project. Communicating about where the team is, what they are doing or who they are ministering to could put our team and/or the partnering ministry (missionary) in extreme danger. CLiM leader will advise the team leaders as necessary.
The second main reason is due to the team’s spiritual growth. We believe that if a team member is focused on communicating with people at home (family, friends, significant other, etc) then that team member may be distracted from what God is potentially teaching him/her. It is also a possibility that the team member may be holding onto communicating to people at home as a source of security, comfort or a means to vent about concerns. Thus, not fully relying on God and trusting in His provision for the team.
We expect our team leaders to agree with and convey these guidelines to all team members appropriately and respectfully. Our desire is for the mission trip to be a truly life-changing experience. Sometimes removing the comforts of home are necessary for team members to be fully engaged in the experience.
Debrief Meetings
It is expected that all teams will have meetings at least every other day while on the actual trip. We realize that the schedule and logistics are so diverse between our teams that it is impossible to suggest a “best time” or “best circumstance” in which to plan for a team meeting while on the field. However, it is expected that each team will find the time and prioritize the scheduling of team meetings. Although the leaders may not know the best time to meet, many teams have found it most profitable to meet in the evening hours or during meal times. Consult your CLiM leader to schedule debrief meetings during the trip.
The goal of these meetings is to process the trip and its experiences as a community and to give opportunities for ones to share or ask questions about these experiences. You as a leader need to keep close watch over your team and many times these meetings will become helpful tools for you to assess where they are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Praying together at these meetings is vital.
Giving Gifts to Nationals
Always discuss this with your CLiM leader the possibility of giving gifts to nationals while in your host country. There is a variety of ways that is culturally accepted for giving gifts. Make sure you have had this conversation ahead of time. Due to cultural or circumstances in the situation, your CLiM leaders may specifically asks you NOT to give gifts (financial or otherwise) to the nationals. You must respect their authority and abide by their requests.
Post Trip Debriefing
Please note the importance of this meeting for team member processing. Take care in when you schedule this meeting and allow ample time. Also, plan ahead in terms of any material you may need (i.e. pens, stationary, index cards…).
CLiM and group leaders will spend some time at the end of the trip to going over the possible re-entry issues that the team members may face upon their return (see What's Next in trip book). For example, they might find it hard to describe their experience to others, it might be frustrating when they find that not everyone understands what they are feeling, etc.
You will plan for a follow-up meeting 2 weeks after your group returns from the mission trip.
Follow up Meeting (2 weeks after return)
Follow up meetings are design to be conducted after the team has return from a mission trip into their domicile country. This helps them to adjust back into their "reality". A lot of times trip participants do not realised how they will be affected from such a high-impact, emotionally charged trip until they are back to their routine. Typically they will have some alone time to think and process. The 2 week after meeting is crucial in the process and helps to re-align any confusion that might arise. Please call CLiM's missions director for any assistance.
Reflection – get the team to share what they are feeling and reflect on their experiences. Some ideas:
Encouragement: Put everyone’s name in a hat and have him or her pick a name. They need to share something encouraging about the person they pick.
Snapshot: If they could take one snapshot from the trip, what would it be? What memory stands out the most?
Letters to God: Have them write a letter to God about how He impacted their life or what He taught them through the trip. Collect them back. Send letters back to team members approx. 8 weeks after their return home. It’s a great reminder!
CLiM Trip Evaluation (online link will be provided by CLiM)
Team members must fill them out completely and submit it online.
Encourage the team members to be candid in their evaluations, assuring them that you as the leaders will never see the evaluations. If it makes them feel more comfortable, they are not required to put their names on the evaluations.The summary will contain no record of who said what.
Leaders must also fill out these evaluations.
Schedule a time to pray together as a team and with your co-leader. Keep short accounts of wrongs and past hurts, and work to keep focused on why God called you to this trip, and what he wants you and your team to learn from this experience. If you as leaders do not set the tone for this – your team will not follow.
Removing a Team Member from the Field
<aside> 💡 This is an extreme situation, and should not be taken lightly. If a team member has directly disobeyed the clear instructions of the team leaders, endangered the team, or is medically unable to continue on the trip, they should be sent home. Make sure that group leaders and CLiM discuss the situation before any decision. CLiM leader will be in-charge of the particular team member to evaluate and disciple. If all things fails, CLiM and group leader will make the final decision to sent the team member home, if all other options fail.
Most people feel some excitement upon returning. It is fun to return to friends, family, McDonalds, etc. You have much to tell and say.
21. After your Trip: How to Debrief?
Purpose of a post-trip debrief meeting
Debriefing together as a mission team after a mission trip is crucial for fostering a collective understanding, emotional support, and shared growth. It provides a structured space for team members to reflect on their experiences, discuss challenges faced, and celebrate achievements. This shared reflection promotes a sense of unity, reinforcing the bonds formed during the mission and aiding in the processing of potentially intense emotions. A group debrief allows team members to gain different perspectives on the same events, fostering empathy and understanding. It serves as a therapeutic space where individuals can express their feelings, share insights, and learn from one another, contributing to personal and collective growth. Moreover, the debriefing process aids in identifying areas for improvement in future missions, ensuring that the team evolves and adapts based on their shared experiences. In essence, coming together for a debrief is not just a conclusion to the mission but a crucial step towards fostering resilience, cohesion, and continuous improvement within the mission team.
Stages of Re-entry:
Initial return is fun. (Honeymoon Stage)
But once you are back home, you may find yourself struggling. There are many different reactions to reentry and team members will deal with reentry differently. It is the leader’s responsibility to help team members deal with reentry in a healthy way.
The following are the 4 most common reactions to the stress of reentry:
Reaction 1 --- Isolated (alienated)
After awhile, teammates may begin to feel out of place in their present environment. They may find themselves withdrawing for others- reading books, writing letters and not socializing with friends and family. Team members may find themselves feeling a strong guilt over your home culture’s affluence and materialism.
Suggestion: Team members need someone who has been through reentry stress to help in understanding the transition process and exploring options. Team members need to contact their team leader or CLiM staff.
Reaction 2 --- Rebellion (angry)
Team members may find that they are angry at their culture, family, team and/or church. No one understands them. Team members may see everyone differently than they did before, and may find themselves mocking other’s lifestyles and values.
Suggestion: Team members need to seek support from someone who has been through reentry stress and can help them soften their spirit and heart. Again, team members need to contact their team leader or CLiM staff.
Reaction 3 --- Imitate (re-socialize)
This is where team members go back to life as it always has been and ignore the changes and struggles they are going through. They resume life as if nothing happened. They may be afraid of the repercussions of being different or of standing on their convictions.
Suggestion: Team members need to seek support from compassionate and mission-minded people who can assist them in sorting out the short-term mission experience. Again, team members need to contact their team leader or CLiM staff.
Reaction 4 --- Integration (proactive)
This is the optimal way of coping with reentry. If handled properly, all reactions should lead to integration. The integrated reaction is where team members relate back with the home culture in a way that does not compromise or neglect their new values or lessons learned from the short-term experience. Team members continue to learn while creating a unique lifestyle, incorporating the old and the new.
Suggestion: Seek like-minded people to foster their integration. Then go and share their secrets with those who are still struggling with the other 3 reactions.
Probe and discussion - Leaders should look for opportunities to add accountability and structure. Leaders need to press the members to provide quality answers. “I was amazed to see how God brought our team together” is too vague. Press for specific examples. Did you notice this in a particular instance? If so, when?
Re-entry Discussion Questions:
Questions for each member to answer to begin processing:
How are you reacting to Reentry?
What was the most memorable moment of the trip?
We encourage the team members, as they work their way back into their lives, to take the time on frequent occasions to cycle through their complete list of memories so they do not forget what the Lord has done. It also provides them stories to share with others if they have difficulty in this area.
Discussing the trip/stories enlightens them on the importance of remembering all God did for them, and hopefully encourages them to take bigger leaps of faith.
What was one of the most personally challenging things you were asked to do and how did that impact you?
The answer will have them voicing how the Lord took them out of their comfort zones, provided for them and will show them how God can work in their lives-individually and as a group.
What did God teach you through this trip and where are you currently at spiritually?
The purpose is to have them express what God impressed upon their hearts so they can make tangible goals to help apply what they learned. Encourage team members to use accountability partners, journaling, etc., to find tangible ways to accomplish these goals.
What are you going to do with what God taught you?
For those team members who have gone on previous trips, need to evaluate at the next level – what did they experience differently from other trips? How did God stretch them in a new fashion?
22. Devotionals – for you, the leader and for your team
The purpose for sharing these Bible studies is to wet your appetite for further study and prayerfully reproduce that same desire in the lives of your teammates. These are only a few studies on personal preparation. If these are simply taken and duplicated then we have failed in our mission. Our goal is for you as leaders to study God’s word and prepare for your team powerful devotions that will challenge them and prepare them for this great opportunity.
The following six devotionals are given to prepare your heart as a leader and potentially give you tools to use in your team meetings. Please feel free to use this material or build your own studies in preparation.
Please take the challenge and study Christ’s final words to His disciples before he ascended into heaven. Also, please study the Book of Acts and see how God literally exploded the church into missions. Look at the life of Paul and see his passion for those who had not yet heard the truth and listen to the message of James who challenges us to put our faith into practice.
We do not want to spoon-feed you in devotional preparation. Our desire is to see you hungry and thirsty for your own study and we guarantee that if you prayerfully prepare your own devotions, as God teaches you from the Word, you will share them with passion and you will own them as a jewel from God. In turn, your team will see your passion and you will not only be a teacher to them but you will be an example. May God bless your hard work!
Faith Factors of an Effective Leader
They are Free to Dream (Eph 3:20)
The task of leadership is having a goal.
The vision of your ministry will never be larger than your leadership
You can delegate tasks and ownership but you can’t delegate faith to believe God
Many times we ask God to bless what we are doing and we should be asking God to help us do what He is blessing
They are Willing to Risk Failure (Acts 15:26)
The Parable of the Talents – Matt. 25 The faithful servants took risks The unfaithful servant was afraid to loose
Realize fear is a trap
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe(Prov. 29:25)
Don’t compare your ministry with someone else
Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else. (Gal. 6:4)
There is always someone doing it better and you may get discouraged.
You will be doing things better than someone else, and you may become prideful.
They are Expecting Their Ministry to Grow
We choose how much we will be used by God He replied, Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. (Matt. 17:20)
Let the size of your God determine the size of your goal.
God is looking to grow our ministry
The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.(2 Chronicles 16:9)
They Never Give Up
What does it take to discourage you? Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Gal. 6:9)
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…(Prov. 24:16)
Conclusion: You are God’s person for this ministry for this point in time and nothing can take this from you until God moves you on.
Spiritual Armor
Preparing for battle:
Questions to ask ourselves:
Do I want to fight?
Am I living a life that enables me to fight?
Am I prepared to fight?
Can I defend myself against Satan’s attack
Strategy for Warfare; Eph 6:10-13
We need the “whole” armor -every piece is vital -once for all – it is a lifelong companion
We need to know our opponent -his schemes (crafty, cunning – not w/horns but an angel of light.) -he covered all the bases – principalities powers rulers
We need to know our battle -We wrestle not against flesh and blood
<aside> 💡 OUR GREATEST ENEMY IS NOT THE WORLD WE SEE BUT THE WORLD WE CAN’T SEE! Halloween is not a main strategy for Satan it is just a front – a smoke screen for true deception.
Instruments for Warfare
Belt of truth -a thick leather strap to gird up and gather all loose clothing – doesn’t give the opponent anything to grab.
truth – being truthful (integrity) doesn’t give Satan anything to grab. And if we are grounded in God’s truth we won’t have any loose ends.
Breastplate of Righteousness -Not brass but leather mesh with stones and metal bits woven throughout -implication – a soldier had to constantly check his breastplate for rips tears and imperfections so must a soldier of Christ constantly check his life to see if there are rips in his Righteousness i.e. unconfessed sin - this must be confessed before battle.
breastplate protects the heart – so also our righteousness in Christ must be complete and whole if it is to protect our hearts
Feet prepared for battle. -a soldiers shoes were vital – not for running but for standing strong - they had cleats to dig into the ground – in order to stand firm.
We stand firm and are ready to defend the gospel at all times we stand upon it as the basis for our salvation.
Shield of Faith
not a brass shield but a huge wooden heavy shield wrapped in leather and soaked in water. It also had hooks on either side. The soldiers in the front had these shields and they would lock them together and stand firm to diffuse the charge from the enemy and also to quench the fiery arrows.
Faith unifies us. We are all one in Christ and must be unified to take on Satan.
Helmet of Salvation -the only instrument to symbolize which side you were on. -We must be proud of who we are in Christ and stand up for the sake of the gospel. 1 team
Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God. This is the only offensive weapon – we must not fight with our own power but with the word of God. – this was a small sword kept close to the soldier Keep the word close and be ready to use it.
Conclusion: God expects us to fight and to leave the results to Him – notice on the armor there is no protection on the back of the soldier only the front – retreat is not an option.
Jonah the Missionary
When the name “Jonah” is mentioned, most people immediately think of a man being swallowed by a great fish. Yet this remarkable event is really only a minor part of a much more important story.
The book of Jonah is really the story of a missionary—a reluctant missionary. It is the story of a man who tried to set himself up as the judge of who is worthy to receive God’s message. God, however, shows us his heart for the nations and how He desires to draw all to Himself. The book of Jonah shows us how missions is also an Old Testament theology. In response to God’s call Jonah began running:
I. Running From God (chapter one)
A. Jonah’s disobedience was a sin of omission. It was willful refusal to answer God’s call. True obedience often involves more than what we avoid doing. It also involves our positive response to God’s call to service.
B. God held Jonah accountable for his refusal to answer His call.
Jonah’s attempt to defy God was futile. Where does one run in an attempt to get away from God?
God’s judgment of Jonah was appropriate to his disobedience. The one fleeing is trapped. The means of his attempted escape (the sea) becomes the instrument of his discipline.
II. Running Toward God (chapter two)
A. Jonah’s repentance was motivated by God’s discipline.
The consequences of his disobedience forced him to reconsider the error of his ways.
B. Jonah’s repentance was motivated by God’s mercy.
Notice that Jonah’s prayer thanks God for a deliverance already begun. The creature which the Lord “provided” had saved Jonah from drowning and anticipated a greater deliverance to come.
Likewise, God delivers us from the full consequences of our sin as an invitation to seek his even greater pardon.
III. Running With God (chapter three)
A. Jonah received a second chance to obey God’s calling.
God is a God of “second chances.” He does not quickly give up on his children.
God is responsive to our repentance. When we seek his mercy, he does not begrudge it.
B. When Jonah obeyed God’s call and cooperated with His will, his ministry was blessed with power and success.
At the preaching of a Hebrew prophet a hostile, pagan nation was led to repentance.
The power of God’s word to change lives is often released through a life that has fully submitted to His will.
IV. Running Ahead of God (chapter four)
A. Jonah second-guesses God.
He resents God’s offer of grace to Israel’s enemies. Jonah is an intolerant nationalist who wishes to see his nation’s enemies destroyed, not saved.
The Ninevites have been brutally dominating Israel for decades. Jonah wants God to repay them, to give them what they deserve.
B. God censures Jonah’s intolerance and prejudice.
Through the incident of the withered vine, God shows Jonah that He, not Jonah, decides who shall receive His grace.
Our responsibility is not to decide who is worthy to receive God’s pardon. Our responsibility is to proclaim God’s pardon.
The church today still has its reluctant missionaries—When we are tempted to put limits on God’s grace and boundaries on his forgiveness, let us remember the lesson of Jonah.
What does the story of Jonah tell us about God’s heart for the World?
Can you personally relate to Jonah and his lack of faith in God?
What does Jonah show us about how God uses us in His plan?
What can you learn about the blessing of obedience?
What does Jonah teach us about our value in God’s plan of world evangelization?
God’s Call
“The Lord called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for you servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” …Samuel lay down until morning and then opened the doors of the house of the Lord. He was afraid to tell Eli the vision, but Eli called him and said, “Samuel, my son.” Samuel answered, “Here I am.” “What was it he said to you?” Eli asked. “Do not hide it from me.” So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him. Then Eli said, “He is the Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes.” The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.”
I Samuel 3:8-19
Why did you apply for this trip?
To what extent, if any, do you feel chosen by God to be here today, an intricate and important part of this team?
Why would God choose you?
What qualities do you possess that will enable you to be a “fisher-man” in God’s Lake?
Have you ever heard God call you? When?
Do you picture the Lord coming to you and standing there, calling your name as He did Samuel’s? Why or why not?
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:3-11
I. Servanthood Defined (vv. 3, 4).
A. A servant does nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Consideration for others must precede concern for ourselves.
B. A servant also looks out for the needs of others. It is not wrong to care for one’s self, but not to the exclusion of those about us.
II. Servanthood Developed (vv. 5-7).
A. Jesus did not hold on to what was rightfully His. He willingly relinquished His place in Heaven. Service reveals submission, not inferiority.
B. Jesus took the nature of a servant. Matthew 25 shows that He expects His followers to do the same.
III. Servanthood Demonstrated (vv. 8-11).
A. Jesus humbled himself, even to dying on a cross for our sins. This passage shows Christ descending step by step from His place of equality with the Father in Heaven (vv. 6-8).
B. God’s exaltation of Him in ascending steps is next shown (vv. 9-11). This is the pattern for all who follow the Lord’s example (Matthew 20:20-27). Someone prayed, “If I am called to serve in a place of prominence, keep me humble; if I am called to a place of obscurity, keep me gracious.”
“Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” Matthew 20:25-28
I have always thought that if I serve now then someday in the future God will reward the effort with greatness. What Jesus said is not a criteria for becoming great, rather, it is a passage describing who great people are. – nothing more nothing less. Greatness equals servanthood
In life we seek to position ourselves with people and professions that will make us great – Companies that promise a future of power or wealth – people that can make me look popular – But it has such a price to pay – He Said – “Not so with you” we follow a different agenda! If we position ourselves with Christ – He will give us a radical change of our perspective on greatness!
We Worship not only a mighty victor seated on the throne – but we serve a broken, Crucified, resurrected Lord. As we go through life we are looking to not only worship God in our minds and hearts and praise Him with our lips. But as we serve Him we are putting feet on our worship. We are living it out in our lives.
Power in Weakness
Can there be real victory in weakness? Success in society is described as escaping our weaknesses. God encourages us to embrace them!
Three questions that need to be asked!
“To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
I. What weaknesses does Paul have in mind in this passage?
“My power is made perfect in weakness” Insults -against you personally Hardships - beyond your control Persecutions -abuse because of your faith Difficulties – circumstances that stress you out
II. What is the source of our weaknesses?
A. From Satan or God?
B. From both -a testing ground Satan’s Goal: Make Paul miserable and turn him away from the faith God’s Goal: Make Paul humble and turn him away from self-exaltation
III. What is the purpose of our weaknesses?
A. Satan has the purpose to buffet or harass us “messenger of Satan” (v. 7)
B. God’s purpose over and through Satan is our humility “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us” (4:7)
C. God’s purpose in our weaknesses is to glorify the grace and power of His Son
The moment we know our standing in weakness what is our responsibility to it? What is the benefit of knowing our weaknesses? What is the benefit of difficult times? How did Paul view limitations as a vehicle for God’s power.
23. Appendix
The following pages are for a leader’s use in making copies, as handouts to team members, or for references. If you have any questions about any of these documents or their use, please contact your coach.
Statement of Beliefs
CLiM What We Believe
We teach that the sixty-six books of the Bible are the written revelation of God and that this written revelation is both objective and propositional (Ex. 17:14; Is. 30:8; I Thess. 2:13). Further, we teach that every word of it is inspired (II Tim. 3:16) and that, because of this, the Scriptures are inerrant in the original documents and infallible in their teaching.
We teach that God spoke in His written Word by a process of dual authorship. This simply means that the Holy Spirit took and used human authors with their individual personalities and different styles of writing and guided and superintended the process in such a way that they composed and recorded God’s Word to man (II Pet. 1:20-21) without error in whole or in part (Is. 40:8). As such, we teach that the Bible constitutes the only infallible rule of faith and practice for the Christian (Matt. 5:18; John 10:35, 17:17; II Tim. 2:15-17; Heb. 4:12).
We teach that, whereas there may be several applications of any given passage of Scripture, there is but one true interpretation. It is to be found as one diligently applies the grammatical-historical method of interpretation***** under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit (John 16:12-15; I Cor. 2:7-15).
We teach that the Bible plays an indispensable part in living a dynamic Christian life. It builds up, transforms, encourages, corrects, and protects the believer’s life as he or she studies and applies it (Ps. 119:11; Acts 20:32; Eph. 5:26, 6:17).
We teach that there is but one living and true God (Deut. 6:4; Is. 45:5-7), perfect in all His attributes, one in essence, eternally existing, and subsistent in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19; II Cor. 13:14) - each equally deserving the same worship and obedience.
God the Father, the first Person of the Trinity (I Cor. 8:6), orders and disposes all things according to His own purpose and grace (Ps. 145:9; Eph. 1:11; Phil. 2:13). He is the Creator of all things (Gen. 1:1-31). As the absolute and highest Ruler in the universe, He is sovereign in creation, providence and redemption (Ps. 103:19; Romans 11:36). He has decreed for His own glory all things that come to pass and continually upholds, directs and governs all creatures and events (I Chron. 29:11). This He does in such a way so as not to be the author and approver of sin (Hab. 1:13; James 1:13) nor to abridge the accountability of moral, intelligent creatures (Ez. 18:20; Romans 14:12). He saves from sin all who come to Him through Jesus Christ; and He relates Himself to His own as their Father (John 1:12; Romans 8:15; Ephesians 1:3-6; Heb. 12:5-9).
For further detail, see Protestant Biblical Interpretation, by Bernard Ramm (Baker Book House)
Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, possesses all the divine excellencies, and in these he is coequal, consubstantial and coeternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit (John 10:30; 14:9). We teach that in the incarnation He surrendered only the prerogatives of deity but nothing of the divine essence, either in degree or kind. In His incarnation Christ’s divine nature united itself with a human nature in an indissoluble union, and so he became the God-man (Phil. 2:58). We teach that Jesus Christ represents the fusion of humanity and deity into an indivisible oneness (Col. 2:9).
We teach that the Lord Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary (Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:25; Luke 1:26-35), that He was God incarnate (John 1:1-3, 14, 18) and that the purpose of the incarnation was to reveal God (John 1:29; I John 1:1-3), redeem men (Acts 20:28; Eph. 1:7; Rev. 5:9), and rule over God’s kingdom (Is. 9:6).
We teach that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross, and that His death was voluntary (John 10:17-18), substitutionary (I Peter 2:24), propitiatory (Romans 3:25), and redemptive (Eph. 1:7).
We teach that, upon the basis of the efficacy of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, the believing sinner is freed from the punishment, the penalty, the power, and one day the very presence of sin, declared righteous, given eternal life and admitted to the family of God (Romans 5:1, 8-11; 8:1, 14-17).
We teach that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead; and that He is now ascended to the right hand of the Father where He is ministering as our Advocate and High Priest (Matt. 28:6; Luke 24:39-43; Heb. 4:14-16; 7:25; 9:24).
We teach that by the resurrection of Christ from the grave, God confirmed the deity of Christ. In addition, God accepted the atoning work of Christ on the cross and His bodily resurrection as the guarantee of a future resurrection life for all believers (John 5:28-29; 14:19; Romans 1:4; 4:25; 6:5; I Cor. 15:20, 23).
We teach that Jesus Christ will return to receive the Church, which is His Body, unto Himself at the Rapture and, returning with His Church in glory, will establish His kingdom in its millennial manifestation (Acts 1:9-11; I Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 19:11-16; 20:4-6).
As the mediator between God and man (I Tim. 2:5), the Head of His Body the Church (Eph. 1:22; 5:23; Col. 1:18), and the coming universal King who will reign on the throne of David (Is. 9:6; Luke 1:31-33), He is the final Judge of all who fail to place their trust in Him as the Lord of life and the only Savior (Acts 17:30-31).
We teach that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, eternal, underived, possessing all the divine attributes, and that in these He is coequal and consubstantial with the Father and the Son (Matt. 28:19; Acts 5:3-4; I Cor. 12:4-6). Compare Isaiah 6:8-9 with Acts 28:25-26, and Jeremiah 31:31-34 with Hebrews 10:15-17. The divine attributes of the Holy Spirit include:
♦ Intellect I Corinthians 2:10-13
♦ Emotion Ephesians 4:30
♦ Will I Corinthians 12:11
♦ Co-equality Matthew 28:19 I Corinthians 12:4-6 II Corinthians 13:14
♦ Eternalness Hebrews 9:14
♦ Omnipresence Psalm 139:7-10
♦ Omniscience Isaiah 40:13-14
♦ Omnipotence Romans 15:13
♦ Truth John 16:13
We teach that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to execute the divine will with relation to the world of men. We recognize His sovereign activity in the creation (Gen. 1:2), the incarnation (Matt. 1:18; Luke 1:35), the written revelation (II Peter 1:20-21), and the work of salvation (John 3:57).
We teach that the work of the Holy Spirit in this age began at Pentecost when He came from the Father, as promised by Christ (John 14:16, 15:26), to initiate and complete the building of the Body of Christ, which is His Church (I Cor. 12:13). The broad scope of His divine activity includes convicting the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:7-8); glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:14) and transforming believers into Christ-likeness (II Cor. 3:1718; Gal. 5:22-23).
We teach that the Holy Spirit is the divine Teacher who guided the apostles into all truth as they submitted to God’s revelation in Scripture (John 16:13). Every believer possesses the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit from the moment of salvation (Romans 8:9; I Cor. 3:16), and it is the duty and privilege of all those born of the Spirit to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18).
We teach that the Holy Spirit alone administers spiritual gifts to the Church (I Cor. 12:11), not to glorify Himself or the gifts by ostentatious displays, but to glorify Christ (John 16:14) and implement His work of redeeming the lost (Acts 1:8) and building up believers in the most holy faith (II Cor. 3:18).
We teach, in this respect, that God the Holy Spirit is sovereign in the bestowing of all His gifts ( I Cor. 12:11) for the perfecting of the saints today (I Cor. 14:12). We teach that the confirming sign gifts (speaking in tongues {intelligible languages}, interpretation, healing, and working of sign miracles) were evangelistic gifts in the beginning days of the Church for the purpose of confirming the Gospel message (I Cor. 14:22a; II Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:3-4), and were not intended by God to be part of normative church worship and service.
We teach that man was directly and immediately created by God in His image and likeness (Gen. 1:27: 2:7; 22). Man was created free of sin with a rational nature, intelligence, volition, self-determination, and moral responsibility to God (Matt. 12:36; I Thess. 5:23; I Peter 1:17).
We teach that the purpose of man’s creation was with the divine intention that he should glorify God (Is. 43:7; Rev. 4:11), enjoy God’s fellowship, live his life in the will of God, and by this accomplish God’s purpose for man in the world.
We teach that in Adam’s sin of disobedience to the revealed will and Word of God, man lost his innocence; incurred the penalty of spiritual and physical death (Gen. 2:16-17; 3:1-19; Romans 3:23; 5:12; 6:23); became inherently corrupt and utterly incapable of choosing or doing that which is acceptable to God apart from divine grace. With no recuperative powers to enable him to recover himself, man is hopelessly lost (I Cor. 2:14), apart from the salvation which is the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:5; 2:1-3; Titus 3:5-6).
We teach that all men were in the loins of Adam and that the sin nature as well as the consequences of that original sin have been transmitted (imputed) to all men of all ages (Romans 5:12), Jesus Christ being the exception. All men are thus sinners by divine declaration (Ps. 14:1-3; Romans 3:9-18, 23), by nature (Jeremiah 17:9; Matt. 15:19) and by choice (Is. 53:6; James 2:10).
We teach that salvation is totally from God, by grace (Eph. 1:7; 2:8), through the redemption of Jesus Christ, the merit of His shed blood (I Peter 1:18-19); not on the basis of human merit of works (Eph. 2:9; Titus 3:5).
We teach that regeneration is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit by which the divine nature and divine life are communicated (John 3:3-7; Titus 3:5). It is instantaneous and it is accomplished solely by the power of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the Word of God (John 5:24), so as to secure voluntary obedience to the Gospel. Regeneration will be manifested by repentance, faith, and righteous living. Good works are its proper evidence and fruit (Eph. 2:10; Titus 3:8) and will be experienced to the extent that the believer submits to the control of the Holy Spirit in his life through faithful obedience to the Word of God (Eph. 5:18-19; Phil. 2:12; Col. 3:16; II Peter 1:3-8).
This obedience causes the believer increasingly to be conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ (II Cor. 3:18). Such a conformity is climaxed in the believer’s glorification at Christ’s coming (Romans 8:17; II Cor. 5:17; I Peter 1:23; I John 3:2-3).
We teach that justification before God is an act of God by which He declares righteous those who believe in Christ (Romans 8:33). This righteousness is apart from any virtue or work of man (Romans 3:20; Gal. 2:16) and involves the imputation of our sins to Christ (Col. 2:14; I Peter 2:24) and the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to us (II Cor. 5:21). By this means God is enabled to “be just, and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:26).
We teach that every believer is “set apart” (sanctified) unto God by the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer therefore is declared to be holy and identified as a saint. This is not a progressive sanctification. This sanctification has to do with the believer’s positional standing in the eyes of God: he is “in Christ” (Acts 20:32; I Cor. 1:2; 6:11; II Thess. 2:13; Heb. 2:11; 3:1; 10:10, 14; 13:12; I Peter 1:2).
We teach that there is, by the work of the Holy Spirit, also an experiential sanctification by which the ongoing earthly state of the believer progressively is brought closer to the positional standing the believer enjoys through justification. Through obedience to the Word of God and the empowering of the Holy Spirit the believer is able to live a life of increasing holiness in conformity to the will of God, becoming more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:17, 19; Acts 20:32; Romans 6:1-22; II Cor. 3:18; Eph. 5:26; I Thess. 4:3-4; 5:23).
In this respect we teach that every saved person is involved in a conflict (Romans 7:22-23; Eph. 6:10-12). The new creation in Christ is set against the flesh. Nevertheless, adequate provision is made for victory through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (I Cor. 10:13; 15:56-57). This struggle stays with the believer all through his earthly life and is never completely ended. All claims to the eradication of sin in this life are unscriptural. Eradication of sin is not possible, but the Holy Spirit does provide victory over sin (Gal. 5:16-25; Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9-10; I Peter 1:14-16; I John 3:5-9).
We teach that all the redeemed are kept by God’s power and are thus secure in Christ forever (John 5:24; 6:37-39; 10:27-30; Romans 5:9-10; 8:1, 31-39; I Cor. 1:8; Eph. 4:30; Heb. 7:25; 13:5; I Peter 1:5; Jude 24).
We teach that it is the privilege of believers to rejoice in the assurance of their salvation through the testimony of God’s Word which, however, clearly forbids the use of Christian liberty as an occasion for sinful living and carnality (Romans 6:15-22; 13:13-14; Gal. 5:13; Titus 2:11-15).
We teach that the doctrine of separation from sin is clearly evident throughout the Old and New Testaments (II Cor. 6:14-7:1), and that the Scriptures clearly indicate that in the last days apostasy and worldliness will increase (I Tim. 4:1; II Tim. 3:1-5).
We teach that all the saved should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Savior and Lord and that separation from all religious apostasy and worldly and sinful practices in commanded by God (Romans 12:1-2; I Cor. 5:9-13; I John 2:15-17; (II John 9-11).
We teach that all who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately baptized by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual Body, the Church (I Cor. 12:12-13), of which Christ is the Head (Eph 1:22; 4:15; Col. 1:18), and which is His espoused Bride (II Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:23-32; Rev. 19:7-8).
We teach that the formation of this Body began on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21, 38-47) and will be completed at the coming of Christ for His own at the Rapture (I Cor. 15:51-52; I Thess. 4:13-18).
We teach that the Church, then, in a unique spiritual organism designed by Christ (Matt. 16:18), made up of all born-again believers in this present age (Eph. 2:11-3:6). The Church is distinct from Israel (I Cor. 10:32), a mystery not revealed until this age (Eph. 3:3-6, 9-10; 5:32).
We teach that the establishment and continuity of local churches is clearly taught and defined in the New Testament Scriptures (Acts 14:21-23, 27; 20:17, 28; Gal. 1:2; Phil. 1:1; I Thess. 1:1; II Thess. 1:1), and that the members of this one spiritual Body are directed to associate themselves together in local assemblies (I Cor. 11:18-20; Heb. 10:25).
We teach that the one, supreme authority for the Church is Christ (Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:18), and that the order, discipline, and worship are appointed through His sovereignty. The biblically designated officers serving under Christ and over the assembly are elders (also called bishops, pastors, and pastor-teachers; Acts 20:28; Eph. 4:11) and deacons, both of who must fit biblical qualifications (I Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; I Peter 5:1-5).
We teach that these leaders lead or rule as servants of Christ (I Tim. 5:17-22) and have His authority in directing the Church. The congregation is to submit to their leadership (Heb. 13:7, 17).
We teach the disciplining of sinning members of the congregation in accord with the standards of I Corinthians 5:1-13; II Thessalonians 3:6-15; I Timothy 1:19-20; Titus 1:10-16.
We teach the autonomy of the local church, free from any external authority or control, with the right of self-government and freedom from the interference of any hierarchy of individuals or organizations. We teach that it is scriptural for true churches to cooperate with each other for the presentation and propagation of the faith. However, each local church through its elders and their interpretation and application of Scripture is the sole judge of the measure and
method of its cooperation as on all matters of membership, policy, discipline, benevolence, and government (Acts 15:19-31, 20:28; I Cor. 5:4-7, 13; Titus 1:5; I Peter 5:1-4).
We teach that the purpose of the Church is to glorify God (Eph. 3:21) by building itself up in the faith (Eph. 4:13-16), by instruction of the Word (II Tim. 2:2, 15; 3:16-17), by fellowship (Acts 2:42; I John 1:3), by keeping the ordinances (Luke 22:19; Acts 2:38-42), and by advancing and communicating the Gospel to the entire world (Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:8).
We teach the calling of all saints to the work of the ministry (I Cor. 15:58; Eph. 4:12).
We teach the accomplishment of God’s purpose in the world. For the accomplishment of that purpose He has given the Church spiritual gifts. First, He gives gifted men for the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:7-12). He also gives unique and special abilities to each member of the Body of Christ (Romans 12:5-8; I Cor. 12:4-31; I Peter 4:10-11). At the moment of spiritual birth every believer receives such a gift or gifts. These gifts are sovereignly bestowed and cannot be sought (I Cor. 12:11). It is essential that every believer discover, develop and employ his or her spiritual gift or gifts for the edification of the Body and the accomplishment of the work of Christ in the world (Romans 12:3-8; I Peter 4:10-11).
We teach that there were two kinds of gifts given to the early church: temporary confirming gifts and permanent edifying gifts. We teach that the temporary confirming gifts—healing, speaking in tongues (intelligible languages), interpretation and the working of sign miracles—were given temporarily in the apostolic era for the purpose of confirming the authenticity of the apostles’ message but gradually ceased as normative church practice as the New Testament Scriptures were completed and their authority became established (compare Acts 19:11-12; I Cor. 13:810; II Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:3-4).
We teach that no one possesses the gift of healing today but that God does supernaturally heal and answer the prayer of faith on the part of every believer (Luke 18:1-6; James 5:16b) and will answer in accordance with His own perfect will (I John 5:14-15) for the sick, suffering and afflicted (John 5:5-9; II Cor. 12:6-10; James 5:13-15).
We teach that private or personal prayer languages are a misunderstanding of the meaning of I Corinthians 13:1 (“tongues of angels”) and that such private prayer languages have no basis in Scripture. We teach that these private prayer languages are not a fulfillment of Romans 8:26 (“groanings too deep to be uttered”). We teach that based on Matthew 6:7, prayer should be intelligible and coherent conversation with God.
We teach that two ordinances have been committed to the local church: baptism (Matt. 28:19) and the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:23-26). Christian baptism by immersion (Acts 8:36-39) is the testimony of a believer showing forth in solemn and beautiful emblem his faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, and his union with Him in death to sin, and resurrection to a new life (Romans 6:1-11). It is also a sign of fellowship and identification with the visible Body of Christ (Acts 2:41-42).
We teach that the Lord’s Supper is the commemoration and proclamation of His death until He comes (I Cor. 11:26) and should always be preceded by solemn self-examination (I Cor. 11:28).
Also we teach that while Christ’s flesh and blood are not actually present, the Lord’s Supper is nevertheless an actual communion with the risen Christ who is present in a unique way, fellowshipping with His people (I Cor. 10:16).
We teach that angels are created beings and, therefore, are not to be worshipped. Although they are a higher order of creation than man (Heb. 2:7), they are created to serve God and to worship Him (Luke 2:13-14; Heb. 1:6-7, 14; Rev. 5:11; 19:10; 22:8-9).
We teach that Satan is a created angel (Ezekiel 28:13-15) and the author of sin (Ezekiel 28:1516; I John 3:8). He incurred the judgment of God by rebelling against his Creator (Is. 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:14-18), involving numerous angels in his fall (II Peter 2:4; Rev. 12:9) and introducing sin into the human race (Romans 5:12) by his temptation of Eve (Gen. 3:1-6; II Corinthians 11:3).
We teach that Satan is the open and declared enemy of God and man (Is. 14:13-14; Matt. 4:1: Eph. 6:11-12; Rev. 12:9-10), the prince of this world who was defeated through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 12:31-33; Heb. 2:14; I John 3:8), and that he will be eternally punished in the lake of fire (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10).
We teach that physical death involves no loss of our immaterial consciousness (Matt. 10:28; Luke 16:22-25; Rev. 6:9-11), that the soul of the redeemed passes immediately into the presence of Christ (Luke 23:43; II Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:23), that there is a separation of soul and body (Phil. 1:21-24), and that such separation will continue until the first resurrection (Rev. 20:4-16) when spirit, soul, and body will be reunited to be glorified forever with the Lord (Phil. 3:21; I Cor. 15:35-44, 50-54; I Thess. 4:16-17). Until that time, the souls of the redeemed remain in joyful fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
We teach the bodily resurrection of all men, the saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment (Daniel 12:2; Matt. 25:46; John 5:29).
We teach that the souls of the unsaved at death descend immediately into Hades where they are kept under punishment until the second resurrection (Luke 16:22-24; II Peter 2:9; Rev. 20:11-15) when the soul and the resurrection body will be united (John 5:28-29). Then they shall appear before the great white throne to be judged by Christ and will be cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:11-15), cut off from the life of God forever (II Thess. 1:7-9).
We teach the personal, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ before the seven-year tribulation (Acts 1:11; I Thess. 4:16; Titus 2:13) to remove His Church from this earth (John 14:1-3; I Cor. 15:51-53; I Thess. 4:16-17), and to reward believers according to their works (I Cor. 3:11-15; II Cor. 5:10), with sufficient time elapsing between this event and His glorious return with His Church to allow for the judgment of believers’ works.
We teach that immediately following the removal of the Church from the earth (John 14:1-3; I Thess. 4:16-17), there will be a time of great tribulation (Jer. 30:7; Daniel 9:27; 12:1; Matt. 24:21) during which the righteous judgments of God will be poured out (Rev. 16:1-21) upon an unbelieving world (II Thess. 2:7-12). These judgments will be climaxed by the return of Christ in glory to the earth (Matt. 24:15-31), at which time the Old Testament and Tribulation saints will be raised and the living will be judged (Daniel 12:2; Rev. 6:9-11, 20:4-6).
We teach that after the tribulation period Christ will come to earth to occupy the throne of David (Matt. 25:31; Luke 1:31-33; Acts 2:29-30) and establish His Messianic kingdom for a thousand years on the earth (Rev. 20:1-6). During this time the resurrected saints will reign with Him over Israel (Ezekiel 37:21-28) and all the nation of the earth (Daniel 7:13-14, 22, 27; Rev. 19:11-16). This reign will be preceded by the overthrow of the Antichrist and the false prophet, and by the removal of Satan from the world (Rev. 19:20; 20:1-6).
We teach that the kingdom itself will be the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel (Deut. 30:1-10; Ezekiel 37:21-28; Zech. 8:1-17) to restore them to the land which they forfeited through disobedience (Deut. 28:15-69; 30:1-10). The result of that disobedience was that Israel was temporarily set aside (Matt. 21:43; Romans 11:1-25) but through repentance will be awakened again to enter into the land of blessing (Jer. 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:22-32; Romans 11:26-27).
We teach that this time of our Lord’s reign will be characterized by harmony, justice, peace, righteousness, and long life (Is. 11:1-9; 65:17-25), and will be brought to an end with the release of Satan (Rev 20:7).
We teach that following the release of Satan after the thousand-year reign (Rev. 20:7), Satan will deceive the nations of the earth and gather them to battle against the saints and the beloved city, at which time Satan and his army will be devoured by fire from heaven (Rev. 20:89). Following this, Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10), whereupon Christ, who is the Judge of all men (John 5:22), will resurrect and judge the great and small at the great white throne (Rev. 20:11-12).
We teach that this resurrection of the unsaved dead will be a physical resurrection, whereupon receiving their judgment, they will be committed to an eternal conscious punishment (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:11-15).
We teach that after the closing of the millennium, the temporary release of Satan and the judgment of the unbelievers (Rev. 20:7-15), the saved will enter the eternal state of glory with God; that the elements of this earth are to be “dissolved” (II Peter 3:10) and replaced with a new earth wherein only righteousness dwells (Eph. 5:5; II Peter 3:13; Rev. 21:1); and that the heavenly city that comes down out of heaven (Rev. 21:2) is to be the dwelling place of the saints where they will enjoy fellowship with God and one another forever (John 17:3; Rev. 21:14). The Lord Jesus Christ, having fulfilled His redemptive mission, will then deliver up the kingdom to God the Father (I Cor. 15:24-28), that in all spheres the Triune God may reign forever and ever (I Cor. 15:28).
CLiM Team Leader Policy Statement
As a leader in your church, I have read the Statement of Faith issued by CLiM and its core values and by signing below I am agreeing to those principles. Furthermore, I will, to the best of my abilities be a servant leader for EPCC as a mission trip manager.
Signed: ________________________________________________________
Please print name: ________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________
If you are not in complete agreement with CLiM statement of faith and its core values, you must contact EPCC Missions Pastor to discuss any areas of disagreement before serving in leadership.
Team Member Mission Trip Application
Short-term Mission Trip Application
Date: ________________ Trip applying for: ______________________
Personal information
First Name: ________________________
Last Name: ___________________________
Date of Birth: __________________
Place of Birth: _________________________
Address 1: ___________________________________________________________________
Address 2: ___________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________
State: ___________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: __________________________
Work Phone: ____________________________
Place of employment: __________________________________________________________
Occupation: __________________________________________________________________
Medical Profile
Do you have any medical restrictions or handicaps for which we need to make provisions? __________ Yes ___________ No If yes, please explain:
Are you currently taking any medication? If yes, please explain:
Health Insurance Information:
Health Insurance Company:_______________________________________________________
Policy no.: ___________________________
Physician's Name: ______________________
Physician's Phone Number: _________________________
Emergency Contact Info
In the event of an emergency, notify:
Name: _____________________________
Relationship: __________________________
Cell No: __________________________
Work No: ____________________________
Address 1: __________________________________________________________________
Address 2: __________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: ___________ Zip:______________
Jesus said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Luke 4:43
Personal Profile
Do you have a current passport? _______ Yes ______ No
How long have you been attending Frontline? ________________________
Please list all past and current activities/ministries you have been involved with through Frontline:
Have you previously applied to a GI short-term mission trip (domestic or international)? ________ Yes ________ No
If so, please state the trip and year applied: ___________________________________ If you were unable to participate on the trip, please explain why. ___________________
Have you been on a Frontline mission trip before______ Yes _____ No If yes, which trip(s)?
Do you have other mission/international experience? If yes, please explain.
What prompted you to apply for this trip?
Do you have any musical skills? If yes, please explain:
Do you have any foreign language skills? If yes, which language(s) and what level?
Have you previously dated or are you currently dating someone who is applying for this trip? ______ Yes _______ No
If yes, please explain the relationship with the person:
On a separate sheet, type or write clearly one or two paragraphs on each of the following:
Describe your relationship with Jesus Christ
Why do you want to be on this team?
what are some realistic roadblocks that might keep you from going on this trip?
What do you consider to be the main area of growth that God is currently developing in your life?
Please list your trip choices in order of preference:
1)______________________________ 2)____________________________________
Please provide two references.
1) Name: ____________________________
Relationship: _________________________
How long have you known this person? ____________________________________________
Cell No.: ____________________________
Work No.: ____________________________
Address 1: __________________________________________________________________
Address 2: ___________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________
State: ___________
2**)** Name: ____________________________
Relationship: _________________________
How long have you known this person? ____________________________________________
Cell No.: ____________________________
Work No.: ____________________________
Address 1: __________________________________________________________________
Address 2: ___________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________
State: ___________
If you are not selected for this team, would you be interested in going on future short-term mission trips through Frontline? _______ Yes _______ No
Thanks for taking the time to fill this out! Once the completed application is turned in, you will be contacted for an interview.
...The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.” –Matthew 9:38
Potential Team Member Interview Questions
What excited you about the opportunity to go on this particular trip?
Look over the CLiM Policy Statement. Are there any items listed which you feel you would not be able to do?
What will your personality bring to the team?
Have you prayed about this trip?
Can you make all of the scheduled team meeting dates?
If we called you tonight to ask you to be a member of this team, would you give us a confirmed yes?
If a conflict arose with another team member how would you handle it?
What made you interested in this trip? Have you done anything like this before?
What has God been doing in your life to prepare you for this kind of ministry?
Tell me a story of God’s grace in your life or describe how you began your spiritual journey.
How would you describe your current relationship with God?
I see your spiritual gifts and skills listed here on the application, how do you think you personally will use your gifts in relation to what we’re doing on this trip?
How do other people see you, as an introvert or extrovert?
Are you more independent/individualistic by nature or more drawn to be a part of a group?
Are you one who will usually avoid conflict or one who will confront conflict?
Think of a recent conflict in a relationship at work, at home, or at school. Describe how you responded and how it ended up.
If Satan were to attack you in some area of your life, where would it be? How would you try to overcome the attack?
Can you tell me about some significant event in your personal life in the last couple of years?
17.Is there anything we have not discussed that may affect you on this trip, like family issues, health issues, addictive behavior, unresolved relationship issues?
Sample Interest Meeting Trip Information Hand Out
Trip Dates: OCTOBER 7 - 15, 2000
Ecuador is a beautiful country with a lot of diversity. The country geographically is divided in half, north to south, by the Andes Mountains, the eastern half is covered by Amazon rain forest and to the west is the pacific coast and lowlands. The people and cultures here are as diverse as the countryside with Inca Indians in the Andes, remote Indian tribes in the rain forest and a "Caribbean" type culture along the Pacific.
San Alejo is a poor village located near the city of Porto Viejo, a city located north of Guayaquil on the coastal savanna. Conditions are rustic for those living there and substandard health care, sanitation, and education are problems with a high level of unemployment. A large segment of the population are single women with children.
In 1991 Rosa and Pedro del Hierro of Mission Camino Santidad (Pentecostal Ecuadorian missionaries) began a church, school, and assistance program in this barrio. Their missions to other barrios in Ecuador include vocational training for women in the areas of health care, hairdressing, and sewing. They also have recently started a technical school that offers training in welding, electronics, and mechanics.
The team will help with the construction of the enclosure wall. The wall serves as security for the mission but more importantly as a wall against floods and mud flows during extreme periods of rain (i.e. During the El Nino years, over a yard of mud flowed through and covered the compound). Construction will be done with reinforced concrete and bricks and team members require no special building skills just a desire to serve and learn.
The team will have opportunities to be involved in the worship services with preaching, testimonies and music. Sports events may also be planned; soccer and volleyball are very popular.
NOTE: Include dates of team meetings and retreat.
Team Member Notebooks
1.5” binder, plastic view cover on front & spine
CLiM will provide basic binders already created for all team members. Contact the GI Administrator with the number of binders you will need and coordinate a time to pick them up BEFORE your first team meeting.
Remember these are only “skeletons” and we encourage you to add any additional materials that apply to your team (ie. notebook cover, team contact info).
Crossing Lines Missions Policy Statement
I realize that the following elements are crucial to the effectiveness, quality, and safety of our trip together. As a member of this team, I agree to:
Remember that I am a guest working at the invitation of a local missionary, pastor, medical clinic, etc. If my hosts are offended by bare arms, shirtless backs, and exposed legs, I’ll cover them. If they offer me goat stew, I’ll try it! I’ll remember the missionaries’ prayer, “Where You lead me, I will follow; what You feed me, I will swallow!”
Respect the host’s view of Christianity. I recognize that Christianity has many faces throughout the world, and that the purpose of this trip is to witness and experience faith lived out in a new setting.
Remember that we have come to learn, not to teach. I may run across procedures that I feel are inefficient, or attitudes that I find closed minded. I’ll resist the temptation to inform our hosts about “how we do things.” I’ll be open to learning about other people’s methods and ideas.
Develop and maintain a servant attitude toward all nationals and my teammates.
Respect my team leaders and their decisions.
Refrain from gossip. I may be surprised at how each person will blossom when freed from the concern that others may be passing judgment.
Refrain from complaining. I know that travel can present numerous unexpected and undesired circumstances, but the rewards of conquering such circumstances are innumerable. Instead of whining and complaining, I’ll be creative and supportive.
Respect the work that is going on in the country with the particular church, agency, or person(s) that we are working with. I realize that our team is here for just a short while, but that the missionary and local church are here for long term. I will respect their knowledge, insights, and instructions.
Attend all team preparation classes, in-country meetings, and follow-up meetings.
Fulfill all logistical requirements. I will comply with all requirements regarding passports, finances, shots, and so on.
Refrain from negative political comments or hostile discussions concerning our host country’s politics.
Remember not to be exclusive in my relationships. If my spouse or fiancé is on the team, we will make every effort to interact with all members of the team, not just one another. If I am attracted to a teammate, I will not attempt to pursue an exclusive relationship until after we return home and the final team meeting is completed (usually the follow up meeting).
Refrain from any activity that could be construed as romantic interest toward a national. I realize certain activities that seem innocuous in my own culture may seem inappropriate in others.
Abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages or the use of tobacco or illegal drugs while on the trip.
If any conflicts arise between me and someone else on the team or a national, I will handle it with biblical behavior and hold myself accountable with my buddy or team leader.
Signed:________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Mission Trip Release
I, , desire to visit foreign countries with (names of coleaders)___ and participate in a mission trip organized by Crossing Lines Missions, a ministry of McLean Bible Church. I release and forever discharge my team leaders, my church, and any other ministry/organization involved and each of their respective members, employees, officers, directors and representatives from any and all claims for any and all injuries, illnesses, losses or damages I might have on or in any way relating to such mission trip, including without limitation, those relating to me leaving the United States of America and visiting foreign countries, including my stay in any such foreign country and my trip to and from any such country.
I am eighteen (18) years of age or older, and this RELEASE is binding on me and my executor, administrators, and heirs.
I give CLiM and its representative(s) with me on any such trip authority to request and authorize medical and/or hospital treatment for my benefit in the event of any injury or sickness sustained by me while on such mission trip, including, without limitation, while traveling to and from any foreign/domestic country. I agree to pay for all such treatment and to reimburse McLean Bible Church for all costs and expenses incurred with respect to such treatment.
The Parties believe that the Bible commands them to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian church (see Matthew 18:15-20, I Corinthians 6:1-8). Therefore, the Parties agree that any claim or dispute arising from or related to this Agreement, or any claim or dispute in any way related to the mission trip should such be pursued despite this release, shall be settled by biblically-based mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Peacemaker Ministries, P.O Box 81130, Billings, MT 59108 (which are available at Judgment upon such an arbitration decision may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction. The Parties understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this Agreement or any claim or dispute in any way related to the mission trip should such be pursued despite this release, and the Parties expressly waive their respective right to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision.
I have fully read and understand the above RELEASE. I affirm that I am a follower of Christ.
Print Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________
Signature:____________________________________ Witness: ____________________________________
Sample Individual Fundraising Letter 1(Work Project)
Dear Bobby, August 1, 2003
I am writing to share with you two of my favorite subjects; Jesus and jet travel. You see, I have been asked by my church to participate on a mission team to San Alejo, Ecuador. I consider this to be an awesome privilege and responsibility and am so excited to have another opportunity to travel for the Lord! This experience will be my seventh mission trip! But it will be a first for me in several ways. This will be my first time going on a work project overseas as well as the first time I am seeking support for this endeavor.
Our team of 12 departs the first week of October for nine days in San Alejo, a small squatter village, outside of the city of Porto Viejo, on the Pacific coast of South America. The purpose of our trip is to work with the local ministry there in discipleship amongst the new Christians in the community. The ministry that we are working with, have been serving in San Alejo for 10 years and they have been seeing a tremendous harvest. This is an opportunity to further help to strengthen their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Besides discipleship, we will have the opportunity to build relationships with the children and the community of San Alejo. We will have the privilege to worship alongside our brothers and sisters and experiencing first hand God at work in other cultures.
The purpose of this letter is not only to tell you about the trip, but also to ask you if you would consider joining out team, as a prayer partner. Challenges abound as we prepare and I ask that you would please pray for the safe travel and health of the team. Pray that through this experience we would come back with a greater understanding and compassion for a group of people we know very little about. Please also pray for me personally, that I would be an effective and humble servant. With your prayer support, I know that God will not only use us, but also bless the entire mission. You can write me a note and return it to me in the enclosed envelope if you feel led to pray for this team and me.
Also, as part of our challenge in preparing for this trip, each team member has been asked to raise $1,600 which includes travel costs and supplies for the construction project. Please also consider becoming part of our financial support team. If you would like to make a financial contribution to this team, a check can be made payable to church mission dept. and returned to me in the enclosed envelope by September 1.
If the team is successful in raising our financial goal, all excess funds will be applied to either the needs directly related to the ministry of this trip or to fund additional mission needs.
Thanks so much for your prayers and support!
God Bless,
John Smith
But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. Exodus 9:16
Sample Fund Raising Letter 2 (Work Project)
Another Mission Trip for Sarah…
In July, I will be traveling to Guatemala with a team of 16. Our Goal: To partner with the local church & community in Guatemala as well as Crossing Lines Int’l Missions ( to begin construction on a Compassion Student center. This mission is particularly special to me because we will be working with Compassion International (, the organization through which I sponsor 2 children (and have seen incredible transformation in). One of the children I sponsor is a Guatemalan boy (Luis) from the church we will be going to!
How can You Help?
First and foremost our team needs prayers. Specifically we need prayer for God’s protection and
& provision, strong team unity, wisdom & love in interacting with the local community, preparation of the hearts of each team member for the mission experience, & preparation of the hearts & minds of the Guatemalan people so that we can effectively assist with their physical & spiritual needs. To help you remember to pray, I’ve enclosed a packet of stickers. You can place these on your mirrors at home, your computers, or your dashboard to remind you to pray for us.
Secondly, you may contribute financially to our efforts. We each have to raise $1,700 (there are 16 of us, so that totals $27,200 for the group). If you would like to make a financial contribution to this team, a check can be made payable to church mission dept. and returned to me in the enclosed envelope by May 1st.
If the team is successful in raising our financial goal, all excess funds will be applied to either the needs directly related to the ministry of this trip or to fund additional mission.
You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being "care-full” you find yourselves cared for. Matthew 5:7 (The Message translation)
Sample Fund Raising Letter 3 (Evangelism)
Dear friends & family,
It’s that time again! For the third consecutive summer, the Lord has called me back to the mission field in Nepal and I am so excited about what He has in store this time around.
This year is sure to be different than in the past for a couple of reasons. Most significantly, due to the increasing openness of the women in Nepal, our Crossing Lines Missions liaison had the vision for a trip of just women ministering to women. Also, for the first time, I am leading the team from name of church.
This June, our team of 12 will be visiting a refugee camp in the southern parts of Nepal. Most of these women are running away from the oppression in Tibet. Most of these women, do not have much but are clinging onto the goodness of the people that are helping there. Our team will be ministering to these women by providing food and care to them. Most of these women may have a child with them too. We want to provide a way for them to be blessed.
There are twelve (12) of us going, but our team is much bigger than that. It will also consist of those who partner with us in prayer and financially. Please consider the joining us by praying daily. Also, if the Lord leads you to contribute financially, each team member is responsible for raising $2,800 to cover the expenses (including distribution materials).
This will be done through support letters and team fundraising events. If you would like to make a financial contribution to this team, a check can be made payable to church mission dept. (with the memo reading Nepal Mission 2005) and returned to me in the enclosed envelope.
If the team is successful in raising our financial goal, all excess funds will be applied to either the needs directly related to the ministry of this trip or to fund additional mission needs.
Thank you for allowing me to share this experience with you and for your continued support. I look forward to sharing amazing stories of God’s power and faithfulness in Nepal!
Again, Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21
Sample Fund Raising Letter 4 (Service Oriented)
Dear Sally,
I want to share with you a wonderful opportunity I have to go to (name of country) with Crossing Lines Missions from (dates). As I heard about the opportunity, I really sensed God calling me to be part of this mission.
It is my prayer that as you read this letter you will consider joining me as a partner in this opportunity to minister to orphans, street kids, prisoners and needy adults in areas where the physical and spiritual needs are great. During the mission, I will be distributing food, care packages of school supplies and Christian literature to those who have often been forgotten and overlooked. I will also have the privilege of sharing the Good News about Jesus with the children
team and type my name when it asks for a team member. If you choose to make an anonymous donation to the team you do not have to type a team member’s name, just type ‘General - anonymous’. All contributions are tax deductible. If the team is successful in raising our financial goal, all excess funds will be applied to either the needs directly related to the ministry of this trip or to fund additional mission needs within the Crossing Lines Ministry.
Thank you for prayerfully considering joining me in this opportunity to reach out to those who need to know that God is real and that He loves them. If now isn’t a good time for you to give, I do understand; simply knowing that you are praying for me as I seek to raise the funds and while I go to (name of country) will be a great encouragement!
I promise to send a full report when I return.
Jane Smith
“It’s not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6
Sample Fundraising Letter Reply Card
Ecuador 2003 – Reply card (Please mail this back too so I can pray for you!)
· Yes, I will commit to praying for your team! Add me to your email list or blog site.
· Yes, I will commit to financially supporting your team! Please make your check payable to McLean Bible Church and in the memo line write GI Ecuador 2003. Please do not write the checks to me. Thank you!
Name: _________________________________
Ecuador 2003 – Reply card (Please mail this back too so I can pray for you!)
· Yes, I will commit to praying for your team! Add me to your email list or blog site.
· Yes, I will commit to praying for your team! Add me to your email list or blog site.
· Yes, I will commit to financially supporting your team! Please make your check payable to McLean Bible Church and in the memo line write GI Ecuador 2003. Please do not write the checks to me. Thank you!
Name: _________________________________
Ecuador 2003 – Reply card (Please mail this back too so I can pray for you!)
· Yes, I will commit to praying for your team! Add me to your email list or blog site.
· Yes, I will commit to financially supporting your team! Please make your check payable to McLean Bible Church and in the memo line write GI Ecuador 2003. Please do not write the checks to me. Thank you!
Name: _________________________________
Ideas For Fundraising Contacts
Pray that the Lord will bring to your attention names of individuals and groups to contact.
Parents, brothers, sisters
Aunts, uncles, cousins Grandparents, retired people
Current/former employers
Current/former customers
Current/former neighbors
Friends/employers of parents
Service/sales reps
People who led you to Christ
Avon/Mary Kay lady
Hospital personnel/Nurses
Apartment managers/landlord
Kiwanis/jaycees/lions club
Rotary & women’s clubs
Men/Women Christian Business Club
Boy/girl scout leader
Hair stylist/barber
Grocery store personnel
Co-workers Builders & contractors
Bank personnel
Attorneys Senators, congressmen, reps
Chamber of Commerce
Mayor, civic leaders
Foundations, trusts
Newspaper editor
Advertising agencies
Military personnel
Missions Office
Missionary societies
Church Mission Board
Bible study/prayer group
Church friends/teachers
College friends/professors
High school friends/teachers
Sunday school class/teachers
Christian bookstore
Prayer lists
Christmas card lists
TV/Radio stations
Flyers in local circulars
Newspaper Ads
Church related newspaper ads
Suggestions for Team Member Job Descriptions
As a team, we need to have at least one group fundraising activity. The fundraising team will be responsible for putting into practice whatever we decide as a group, and is approved by the team leaders and church. These people will be the liaison between all involved parties to ensure everything is ready and runs smoothly.
Video Camera
One of the best ways to remember the moment is to catch it on film. We need someone that either has a video camera, or has access to one for the trip to video the trip. Previous experience with a camera is highly recommended. (I’m sure we can all remember watching a video that either we, or a friend shot, where after 30 seconds everyone watching had motion sickness) This video is not only for the group members, but may be used by Frontline. It’s a great way to show others what the Lord did through our group.
First Aid
While every will be responsible for their own medication (we will speak about that at a later meeting), we need to have one person responsible for the first aid kit as well as following up with team members to make sure all immunizations and prescriptions have been filled.
Cultural/Social Research
A great way to effectively interact with the people we will come in contact with is to learn about their history and culture. During one of the meetings, we will talk about what we have learned about the country’s history and current state.
Social Directors
Just as the name implies, we need 2 people to help plan at least two activities outside of the normal meetings. These can be dinners, hikes, you name it. You will be responsible for setting the activities up and making sure everyone knows what is going on, what time…etc. etc.
This job involves creative ways to build community and encourage fellow team members before and on the trip. For example, we could have "servant tasks", which are ways to serve your fellow team members. On the trip, one servant task could be clearing the dishes for your fellow team members or helping your fellow team members carry their luggage. Any type of task that would promote a servant's attitude!
I’m sure each of you have been on some kind of road trip with your friends, and still remember something in particular that happened on the trip, or something someone said. Trust me…it will happen here too. A small tape recorder is a definite plus, but not required.
Prayer Representatives
One of the most crucial role in any mission trip, is the prayer representative. Nothing moves forward without prayer. Assign a person to will be in-charge of prayers within the groups, for the trips and the prayers that are coming in by supporters.
Team Member Expectations Worksheet
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________
1. What do you hope to accomplish on this mission trip? What do you hope the Lord will do through you?
2. What do you hope the Lord will do to you? How do expect this trip to impact your life?
3. What are your concerns or fears about this trip? What scares you the most about this trip?
4. What do you expect from your team leaders, for you personally and for the team?
5. What would the next level of your spiritual walk look like to you and how can I (as your team leader) encourage you in this area?
Tips on Giving Testimonies
Remember, you may have a translator. You may have to pause quite frequently, depending on the skill level of the translator. Use simple phrases and avoid slang, which is difficult to translate.
Avoid mentioning material possessions you have at home. For example, don’t talk about how you learned to trust God when your Porsche was almost stolen.
Remember the particular culture. It may be inappropriate to discuss certain topics or activities. For example, “I met my husband at a church dance.”
Keep it brief
Possible subjects to cover are a brief spiritual autobiography or what God has been teaching you while you have been in the country.
Communicate your appreciation of the people, the church, the country, and the culture.
Avoid making negative comparisons between the host culture and your own.
Avoid inside jokes between you and your teammates. They only confuse the nationals.
Dress properly for the worship service. Customs are not as lax in most other countries when it comes to church.
Reflect the role of the student instead of a teacher. Avoid large sweeping suggestions on how they could improve their country, or situation, or church.
11.Write down your main points before getting up. This keeps you from getting off on irrelevant tangents.
Possible Debriefing Questions On The Field
What do you think is most challenging for the national pastor? What would you “dream” for him?
What advise would you give to a friend considering a mission trip?
Who is the one person from this trip that you hope to keep in contact with? Explain the importance of keeping your promise to write.
What is one word that you would use to describe:
the bathrooms
the food
the children
the church service
the smell that you associate with this country
What did you think about praying with the nationals?
Tell of one memorable moment in trying to communicate with the nationals.
Define “hospitality”. What did you learn about hospitality from this experience?
If you had a “photo collection” in your brain about events in your life, tell us what the “snapshot” of this trip would look like.
Tell of a time that you felt frustrated. What did you do to resolve this feeling?
What gave you the most joy on this trip?
Tell about a time that you felt overwhelmed by people. What did you do?
What one national impacted you? Why?
What did you learn about missionaries? How is their life most different than yours?
What one thing from home are you longing for?
What do you wish you could bring home from this country?
If you were leading this mission trip, what would have been most challenging?
What did you expect this country’s homes would be like? Describe your host’s home.
How would you describe worshipping in another culture?
What was the most humorous moment for you?
What new word did you learn?
What are some things that you feel would be important to pray for for _________________________________.
What one item do you now wish you had packed?
Visiting a different culture while vacationing can be vastly different than a mission trip. . . how?
What did you learn about being part of a team?
How is this trip different than what you expected?
Tell of a time that you felt “served” by another team member.
What best prepared you for this trip?
What did you learn from your hosts?
What did you learn by being involved in this ministry (drama, construction, evangelism, etc.)?
Describe your interaction with the national children.
When debriefing or processing through an experience like a short-term missions trip, it’s often helpful to use initiatives as a way to reestablish group dynamics and get the team focusing on the team again.
One of the best ways to debrief an experience is through the use of initiatives. An initiative on a challenge course can be any number of things. Generally, they are physical and mental activities encourage cooperation, communication and problem-solving skills, leading to mutual support and trust within the group. Some of these activities may involve more perceived risk and challenge and include props such as wooden platforms, boards, ropes and cables. For example, a team can be given a simple initiative such as climbing a wall or performing a trust fall. Certain initiatives can be used in the debrief to help the team begin talking about their experiences.
What is the challenge course & what are initiatives on it?
Initiatives designed for use in debriefing a long experience like a missions trip provides a way to take the team out of their safe normal environment of a team meeting place and provide a unique learning experience through challenge by choice. The initiatives explore communications, work group support, group cohesion, problem solving, cooperation, conflict management, trust, frustration, teamwork, risk taking, comfort zones, break down existing barriers, positive behavior shaping and self-esteem while having FUN and reviewing the time spent in the mission field.
What is experiential education?
Experiential education is a series of element/initiatives that create hands on learning by doing experiences. In this instance, the mission trip itself was an experiential education. The initiatives posed afterward the trip are experiential of the trip – such as asking the team to perform a very challenging wall or barrier / obstacle the team needs to overcome. And then relating that idea back to the mission trip – what were some of the barriers the team as a whole and individuals had to overcome while preparing or being in the field?
What is Challenge by Choice?
This is an integral philosophy by which the challenge course operates. Although participants are asked to be engaged at all times, each participant can select the level of involvement. We encourage people to step a little outside of their comfort zones, but if a person is simply too uncomfortable with an activity, he/she can find another way to participate (i.e. verbal encouragement). Applied to the mission field experience, no one on the team was forced to take the challenge of being a missionary for a short while; each person chose to be a part of the team. Similarly, a facilitator cannot force a team member to participate in an initiative or a debrief conversation.
Master Plan Group
dba Crossing Lines International Ministry